Tag Archives: homeless-quiz

Univ. of Arkansas Equalizes Marijuana and Alcohol Penalties

New this fall The University of Arkansas has decided to equalize penalties when it comes to marijuana and alcohol possession on campus. Last year a misdemeanor pot possession, which consists of an ounce or less, resulted in a mental health evaluation, 50 hours community service, suspended parking privileges for one year, one year probation and a $200 fine. Students for Sensible Drug Policy have been working for the past year to reduce that penalty to the same as a misdemeanor alcohol offense, which is a drug education class, 15 hours community service and a $50 fine. http://www.kfsm.com/news/kfsm-news-nwa-marijuana-penalty-arkansas,0,240850.story added by: JackHerer

White Fright – Glenn Beck’s rally was large, vague, moist, and undirected—the Waterworld of white self-pity

One crucial element of the American subconscious is about to become salient and explicit and highly volatile. It is the realization that white America is within thinkable distance of a moment when it will no longer be the majority. This awareness already exists in places like New York and Texas and California, and there have even been projections of the time(s) at which it will occur and when different nonwhite populations will collectively outnumber the former white majority. But it also exerts a strong subliminal effect in states like Alaska that have an overwhelming white preponderance. Until recently, the tendency has been to think of this rather than to speak of it—or to speak of it very delicately, lest the hard-won ideal of diversity be imperiled. But nobody with any feeling for the zeitgeist can avoid noticing the symptoms of white unease and the additionally uneasy forms that its expression is beginning to take. For example, so strong is the moral stature of the Rev. Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement that even the white right prefers to pretend to emulate it. (This smarmy tactic long predates Glenn Beck, by the way: I remember Ralph Reed trying it when he ran the Christian Coalition more than 10 years ago and announced that he wanted to remodel the organization along the lines of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.) Thus, it is really quite rare to hear slurs against President Barack Obama that are based purely on the color of his skin. Even Beck himself has tried to back away from the smears of that kind that he has spread in the past. But it is increasingly common to hear allegations that Obama is either foreign-born or a Muslim. And these insinuations are perfectly emblematic of the two main fears of the old majority: that it will be submerged by an influx from beyond the borders and that it will be challenged in its traditional ways and faiths by an alien and largely Third World religion. Advertisement This summer, then, has been the perfect register of the new anxiety, beginning with the fracas over Arizona's immigration law, gaining in intensity with the proposal by some Republicans to amend the 14th Amendment so as to de-naturalize “anchor babies,” cresting with the continuing row over the so-called “Ground Zero” mosque, and culminating, at least symbolically, with a quasi-educated Mormon broadcaster calling for a Christian religious revival from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. At the last “Tea Party” rally I attended, earlier this year at the Washington Monument, some in the crowd made at least an attempt to look fierce and minatory. I stood behind signs that read: “We left our guns at home—this time” and “We invoke the First Amendment today—the Second Amendment tomorrow.” But Beck's event was tepid by comparison: a call to sink to the knees rather than rise from them. It was clever of him not to overbill it as a “Million”-type march (though Rep. Michele Bachmann was tempted to claim that magic figure). The numbers were impressive enough on their own, but the overall effect was large, vague, moist, and undirected: the Waterworld of white self-pity. The Washington Post quoted Linda Adams, a Beck supporter from Colorado, who said, “We want our country to get back to its original roots,” adding that “her ancestors were on the Mayflower and fought in the American Revolution.” She was also upset that some schools no longer require students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Well, the U.S. population is simply not going to be replenished by Puritan pilgrims from England, and the original Pledge of Allegiance was fine with most people as a statement of national unity, until its “original intent” was compromised by a late insertion of the words “under God” in the McCarthyite 1950s. But one still sees what she means and can feel sympathy with the pulse of nostalgia. added by: TimALoftis

Mike Shanklin On Libertarianism At 9/12 Group In Hickory, NC 8/30/2010

8/30/2010 Mike Shanklin expands on David Boaz's Libertarianism magic speech at the 9/12 group in Hickory, NC. Mike discusses the the Advocates for Self-Government's Politically Homeless Quiz, the Liberty youth movement in North Carolina, banner fundraisers, and the 2nd year of the Liberty Club that he founded at Campbell University. Special thanks go to David Boaz for his continual support for the Liberty message, as well as the backbone for this speech. It's an honor to help him spread this message. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYkmS_fbi70 added by: shanklinmike

Libertarians VS Republicans/Democrats at UNC Street Fair 8/22/2010

8/22/20108/23/2010 The UNC Libertarian Club (volunteers Stephanie Davis & David Deerson) team up with the Libertarian Party of North Carolina (representatives Mike Shanklin & Amanda Owens) to administer the politically homeless quiz (nolan chart) at the University of North Carolina Street Fair. Mike Shanklin and Amanda Owens end up going to both opponents' tables and asking questions about their positions (or lack there of). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97XscrL_PtM added by: shanklinmike