Tag Archives: normally-don

Kitten Saves Human From Tub

I normally don’t like cats, but this one is a cutie.

See more here:
Kitten Saves Human From Tub

Nicole Neal Naked and Amazing for Front UK of the Day

Nicole Neal looks fucking hot in this Front UK shoot…and I normally don’t respond well to Glamour models cuz I like my low level nude models to be actually low level and not confused for being models…you know the kind of girl you can trick into shooting a porn or a masturbation video cuz all she wants is male attention…and not the kind of girl who is getting that male attention….you know all jacked up on ego…but this shoot…for some reason…inspires me to want to fuck her…and that’s a good fucking thing for a photoshoot to do…. TO SEE THE VIDEO FOLLOW THIS LINK

Nicole Neal Naked and Amazing for Front UK of the Day

Sticky Rice is Secret Ingredient in Great Wall of China’s Strength

photo: Kevin Poh via flickr I normally don’t cover traditional building methods , but this one is a bit too cool. Scientists from Zhejiang University in China have discovered one what may be the secret ingredient in the Great Wall’s strength and longevity: Sticky Rice . Well, sticky rice soup mixed with slaked lime and lim… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Sticky Rice is Secret Ingredient in Great Wall of China’s Strength