Tag Archives: normally-only

Candice Swanepoel: Hottest Hipster Ever

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably annoyed that this stupid hipster look is popular now and that all kinds of chicks are falling for it. It somehow manages to make pretty girls look terrible, it really chaps my ass, but luckily it doesn’t seem to have any effect on a supermodel like Candice Swanepoel . Here she is showing off her hotness in a photoshoot with that creepy old hipster dude that Lindsay Lohan banged as part of her comeback. Allegedly.

Kendall Jenner Bikini Photoshoot

I normally only post pictures of the purebred Kardashians, but lately Kendall Jenner has been doing everything she can to get some attention… If you consider taking pictures of herself riding a donkey in a bikini trying to get attention. Which I do. Anyhow, here she is in some bikini photoshoot that I’m sure her father is very pleased about. Isn’t she way to young for this crap? Someone take control of this situation.

Katy Perry Without Cleavage Make-Up

Here’s a shot of Katy Perry without any make up that her douche posted on Twitter the other day, like a good husband should. It’s pretty clear to me now why she does infomercials for Proactiv . This is exactly why I normally only post pictures of her with her fat hipster cleavage falling out… Not an attractive woman. I’m no lawyer, but this has to be breach of contract or something.