Tag Archives: not-contacting

Italian doctors asked not to snort cocaine at work

An Italian hospital director has sent a memo to his doctors and nurses asking them to kindly stop snorting cocaine while on duty. Giuseppe Di Maria sent the memo after receiving anonymous tip-offs about what was going on at Santa Catarina Novella di Galatina Hospital near Lecce in southern Italy. The direcotr, Giuseppe Di Maria, now faces disciplinary action for not contacting local authorities and informing his superiors about the rumours. added by: richjm

Italian doctors asked not to snort cocaine at work

An Italian hospital director has sent a memo to his doctors and nurses asking them to kindly stop snorting cocaine while on duty. Giuseppe Di Maria sent the memo after receiving anonymous tip-offs about what was going on at Santa Catarina Novella di Galatina Hospital near Lecce in southern Italy. The direcotr, Giuseppe Di Maria, now faces disciplinary action for not contacting local authorities and informing his superiors about the rumours. added by: richjm

Italian doctors asked not to snort cocaine at work

An Italian hospital director has sent a memo to his doctors and nurses asking them to kindly stop snorting cocaine while on duty. Giuseppe Di Maria sent the memo after receiving anonymous tip-offs about what was going on at Santa Catarina Novella di Galatina Hospital near Lecce in southern Italy. The direcotr, Giuseppe Di Maria, now faces disciplinary action for not contacting local authorities and informing his superiors about the rumours. added by: richjm