Tag Archives: not-negotiable

Pawn Stars: Fined For Campground Trashing!

The guys from Pawn Stars may want to think twice before trashing a campground. Rick and Corey Harrison, the pawn shop boss and his son from the hit reality show, went camping in Glamis, Calif., last month, leaving the place a total mess. Police discovered a ton of trash where the History Channel stars camped out – beer cans, garbage and a barbecue grill, you name it – 10 garbage bags’ worth! Police reportedly knew it was the Pawn Stars stars who were camping in the trash spot and causing the mess due to a previous encounter that weekend. Dumping trash in the campgrounds is illegal and not taken lightly in California. According to TMZ, law enforcement slapped the fellas with a huge fine – $1,000 a person – and that’s not negotiable or subject to any sort of appeals process. Clean up your parks, kids. Corey Harrison said, “We left the campground before our buddies did and they were to clean it up and apparently didn’t follow through.  My father nor I were cited.”

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Pawn Stars: Fined For Campground Trashing!

REVIEW: Miranda July Looks Into The Future and Sees a Talking Cat (Among Other Things)

A not-uncommon prologue: Miranda July drives me crazy, in the best and worst ways. Whether I’m watching her films, reading her stories, or taking a crack at her various, Web-documented performances pieces, I can’t seem to get off the fence. I want to get off the fence. I want it so badly that attached to every primary response — every swing across the fence and back again — I experienced while watching The Future , the plangent follow-up to her 2005 feature debut, Me and You and Everyone We Know , was the secondary desire to shoulder-pin myself there, if only for clarity’s sake. What seems most difficult to accept and so tremendously inconvenient to her appeal is that the talking cat — or whatever other of her grindingly earnest narrative totems — is not negotiable; it’s not even regrettable. If you want Miranda July, you want the talking cat.

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REVIEW: Miranda July Looks Into The Future and Sees a Talking Cat (Among Other Things)