Tag Archives: not-thrilled

Bobby Brown Outraged Over Bobbi K’s Relationship

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When will the family drama end!!!! Bobby Brown is not thrilled about his daughter’s “new” relationship with Nick Gordon. A source has confirmed that Bobby Kris is in fact engaged and is showing off a huge diamond enagement ring that was once worn by the late Whitney Houston. The source also stated that Bobby Brown is “really upset” and “worried” about the unconventional romance.

Bobby Brown Outraged Over Bobbi K’s Relationship

Rihanna Shows Off The Legs

Here are a few shots of Rihanna showing off her thighs in a tight dress. Kinda hot. I’m not thrilled about the silly baseball cap, but I don’t know anything about today’s fashions. She sort of looks pissed, I wouldn’t like to mess with her when she’s in this kind of mood…. Those thighs look like they could crush me.