I like to call this recent Amanda Seyfried instagram photography piece: “Demonstrating What Justin Long Does to her Sex Appeal”….He murdered that motherfucker….and left that shit to die… Coincidentally, I watched Lovelace this weekend….she’s got good tits when you don’t imagine Justin Long’s “Mac guy” mouth all over them / cumming all over them…making me think he has a huge penis, because why else would he get all the pussy, because he’s famous? I mean she’s famous she has options…maybe dude got paid for that Mac rebrand in Apple stock and is now a billionaire, or maybe Amanda Seyfried has no self respect, and maybe…I hate that I just thought of Justin Long’s cock….but with a name like Long…it’d only be fitting…I can’t stop….even when I want to.
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Amanda Seyfried is Dead of the Day