Tag Archives: nothing-strange

Frances Bean Cobain Really Pulls Off the Strange and Unusual Look

There’ nothing strange and unusual about FBC’s breasts!… read more

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Frances Bean Cobain Really Pulls Off the Strange and Unusual Look

Leighton Meester’s Crappy Booty Shots

I’ve seen a lot of disgusting things on the internet, so I know that there are people out there who will find these pictures of Leighton Meester picking up dog crap kind of hot. But they’re weirdos. I mean, I’m not hating it, but I just like the fact that she’s bending over giving us a look at her booty. That’s all. I can do without the fecal matter. Sometimes I sit near the dog park and watch women do this for hours because I want to see them bend over. There’s nothing strange about it. It’s the same reason I watch ladies golf.

Why People Shouldn’t Ride Bears

Melaine Walker decides to celebrate winning the 400M hurdles by riding the mascot. It doesn't end well. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Slutty Troll T-Shirt

It's haute couture, ya'll. Jeremy Scott and Opening Ceremony teamed up to create this slutty troll tee. I'm seriously getting this tee when it comes out, to wear as a dress and as a nightie.

Slutty Troll T-Shirt

Dick Cheney’s Bookshelf

This is from a formerly-public Picasa album of an event at the Cheney's home. Dick Cheney has Russian Matrushka dolls of himself, Bush Sr., and Colin Powell on display in his home, for real, right next to a stack of war art books

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Dick Cheney’s Bookshelf

Ultimate Muscle Roller Legend

This is a true story about a couple of muscular dudes who get in a drag race with a steamroller. There is nothing strange or nightmarishly disturbing about it at all

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Ultimate Muscle Roller Legend