Tag Archives: nothing-sweeter

You Mad? A History Of Celebs Trying To Make Their Exes Jealous

A History Of Celebs Trying To Make Their Exes Jealous There’s nothing sweeter than making an ex jealous . These celebrities have mastered the art and want to try their best to make their exes cringe. Did it work? You tell us.

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You Mad? A History Of Celebs Trying To Make Their Exes Jealous

Kiddie Love: Celebrities Who Married Their Prom Dates

Celebrities Who Married Their Prom Dates There’s nothing sweeter than seeing high school sweethearts get married . It’s something out of a fairy tale or something. Don’t think it’s possible? Just look at these celebrities who married their high school boos. Maybe you should catch up with that old prom date of yours on Facebook…hmmmm?

Kiddie Love: Celebrities Who Married Their Prom Dates