President Barack Obama’s all-business public persona sometimes leaves him looking distant, detached from personal relationships and intimate moments. Not here. In a video posted on his official site, he is seen choked up as he thanks a room full of campaign staffers for delivering his hard-fought 2012 election win : Obama Cries, Thanks Staff The Commander-in-Chief likened their work to his own early days in politics, lauding their ability and work ethic and thanking them for the victory. He told his volunteers and employees how proud he is of what they all accomplished and was inspired by their work ethic and desire to make a difference. Having “ lifted me up each and every step of the way,” Obama appears truly grateful to the staff, crying briefly in the aftermath of his final, bruising campaign. Pretty awesome moment to see from a U.S. President, the most powerful person on Planet Earth, no matter which way you voted on Tuesday. Heck, it blows away the Barack and Michelle Obama photo that his staff posted after he won reelection – and that was the most “Liked” photo ever! Obama’s second term: Will it be better than the first? Yes, definitely Maybe, a little No, is it 2016 yet? View Poll »