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Jedi Mind Meld: Obama Can’t Budge Congress, Use Correct Star Wars Lingo

Hmm. No wonder the White House won’t build a Death Star for us. At a press conference today, Barack Obama proved that while he may be our coolest-ever President, even he needs to bone up on his pop cultural references. Speaking to the press about sequestration and forging a bipartisan budget reform agreement, Obama said he can’t perform a “Jedi mind meld” on Congress. Maybe because there is no such thing as a Jedi mind meld. Obama Jedi Mind Meld His point: much as he would like to simply MAKE Republican leaders agree to his spending cuts, he is “not a dictator” and you need two sides to compromise. What Obama probably meant was to reference either the “Jedi Mind Trick” from Star Wars … or the “Vulcan Mind Meld” from Star Trek often used by Spock. Points for trying, B. A for effort.

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Jedi Mind Meld: Obama Can’t Budge Congress, Use Correct Star Wars Lingo