Tag Archives: offers-grieving

State Trooper Offers Grieving Man Unexpected, Inspiring Assistance

We’re living in a scary moment in history. The relationship between police officers and the citizens they are meant to protect has never been worse. But perhaps the following story will serve as some kind of turning point. Or, at minimum, put a smile on your face. Around 3 a.m. on Sunday, Mark Ross discovered that his 15-year old younger sister, Eliza Fletcher, had been killed in a car crash. In a desperate panic, he enlisted the help of a friend to make the immediate drive from Ohio to Detroit in order to be with his grieving mother. According to Inside Edition, however, an officer pulled their car over for speeding at approximately 100 miles per hour. When the officer saw that the driver of the vehicle had his license was suspended and that Ross had an outstanding warrant, he subsequently towed their car. Ross was left stranded. Moreover, there was a good chance he was going to prison for the warrant. But then Ohio State Highway Patrol Sergeant David Robison showed up on the scene… and things started looking up. In a lengthy post on Facebook, Ross said he explained how Robison responded once he learned exactly what was going on. Here is what Ross wrote, as pictured above: At 3am I got a phone call stating that my sister had been killed in a car accident due to some young dumb punk! I haven’t slept and instantly got on the road. Of course we were speeding, trying to get back to Detroit. And we got pulled over in Ohio. I knew I was going to Jail due to a petty warrant. The police called Wayne county and they refused to come get me because of the distance. I explained to the officer that my sister had died and that I needed to get to my mother asap. I broke down crying and he saw the sincerity in my cry. He REACHES OVER AND BEGAN PRAYING OVER ME AND MY FAMILY. He offered to bring me 100 miles further to Detroit because they towed the vehicle. Everybody knows how much I dislike Cops but I am truly Greatful for this Guy. He gave me hope. This story is giving us all hope. The Facebook post above has been shared over 103,000 times at last check. Inside Edition even says the officer who drove Ross all the way to Michigan will be attending his sister’s funeral. Pretty amazing, huh? Especially in light of all that’s been happening around the country over the past few months. Here is a photo of Ross’ late sister. May she rest in peace. Got an inspiring story you want people to read? Send it to The Hollywood Gossip and we may share it on our site.

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State Trooper Offers Grieving Man Unexpected, Inspiring Assistance