Tag Archives: officers-shoot

Unarmed, Injured Man Flags Down LAPD Officers For Help…Cops Shoot Him In The Head And Handcuff Him While Unconscious [Video]

LAPD Officers Shoot Unarmed Injured Man In The Head Another case of apparent police brutality has been caught on camera phone . This time, LAPD officers were caught handcuffing the unconscious body of a man they had recently shot in the back of the head. Apparently the man had an injured hand wrapped in a towel, which the police somehow believed to be a concealed gun when the man flagged them down for help. Via CrimeFeed : The Los Angeles Police Department says their officers shot and then handcuffed an unarmed man on Friday evening because they believed he was holding a gun in a towel (his hand was wrapped in a towel, probably because it was injured). The incident was caught on cellphone video in Los Feliz. According to NBC Los Angeles, the victim was trying to wave a patrol car down for help. LAPD Lt. John Jenal told the LA Times, “This person extended an arm wrapped in a towel. The officer exited the vehicle and said, ‘Drop the gun, drop the gun.” Witnesses in the area reportedly said they’d heard four gunshots total. And even after cops shot the still-unidentified man in the head, they went ahead and handcuffed him, despite the fact that he was clearly incapacitated (he had a massive, bleeding wound). LAPD is defending its actions. Commander Andrew Smith said officers were just following protocol: “We always do that. That’s the policy… to handcuff someone in a situation like that.” At this point, police still do not know why the man initially flagged them down. The injured man was taken to the hospital in critical condition. So not only did they nearly kill him while he was looking for help, they ALSO had to handcuff him just in case he decided to attack them with a gunshot wound to the head, a messed up hand, and no weapon? SMH!

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Unarmed, Injured Man Flags Down LAPD Officers For Help…Cops Shoot Him In The Head And Handcuff Him While Unconscious [Video]