Tag Archives: offshore-wind

Obama Admin to Speed Up Offshore Wind Power Development

Photo: Kim Hansen , Wikimedia, CC As it stands, it typically takes a staggering 7 years — at the very least — for an offshore wind project to receive federal approval to begin construction. And as we’ve seen with the infamous Cape Wind project , there’s plenty of red tape on the local and state levels as well. So its no surprise that the the US is seriously lagging in the offshore wind power sector. But the Dept. of the… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Obama Admin to Speed Up Offshore Wind Power Development

The Prince of Wales Offers a New Way of Looking at the World

Photo credit: Harper Collins Publishers Some might argue that with offshore wind and vast solar arrays, smart grids and electric cars, pollution limits and trading schemes, and a burgeoning economy of clean technology and services, it is likely that humanity has all the necessary tools to solve the planet’s mounting problems. The challenge, it has been said many times , is to find a way to wield these tools that is quick, just, and effective. It’s a challenge, HRH The Prince of Wales argues in his new book

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The Prince of Wales Offers a New Way of Looking at the World

New York Power Authority Applies For Long Island Offshore Wind Farm Lease From Feds

photo: Julian Menichini via flickr Never to be left out of the action, New York has joined other northeast states in marching down the path towards building offshore wind farms: Reuters reports the New York Power Authority will soon be applying for a lease from the federal government required to build a 350-700 M… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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New York Power Authority Applies For Long Island Offshore Wind Farm Lease From Feds

Rhode Island Offshore Wind Farm Takes Step Forward – And Some Environmentalists Are Upset?

photo: m.prinke via flickr The race to build the first offshore wind farm in the United States continues with Rhode Island taking one more legislative step towards beating its neighbors. The Providence Journal reports that the state legislature has enacted a new law that speeds the time it takes to get regulatory approval between wind power developer… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Rhode Island Offshore Wind Farm Takes Step Forward – And Some Environmentalists Are Upset?