Tag Archives: wind power

People Shooting at Wind Turbines in Michigan, Elsewhere

A pistol at the shooting range. Paper targets, not turbines. Credit: Foxtongue via Flickr. So I heard a TV news report about gunfire that shut down a wind turbine park in Michigan’s Thumb. And I went looking for more information on the Internet. It wasn’t an easy find, though. Seems shooting bullets at wind farms is nothing new. The Michigan incident is just the latest episode of upset people taking out their anger on defenseless nacelles, blades and, in this case, transformers. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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People Shooting at Wind Turbines in Michigan, Elsewhere

How Customer Service Can Help Save the Planet.

Image credit: meddygarnet , used under Creative Commons license. (This photo does not show a representative of any of the companies mentioned in the post.) Some time ago my friend and colleague Jerry Stifelman noted that just because something saves the world, that doesn’t make it popular , and he was right. Product and service quality are every bit as important as environmental credentials if g… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Visit link:
How Customer Service Can Help Save the Planet.

China to Hit 500 GW of Renewable Power by 2020

Photo: 林 慕尧 / Chris Lim , Wikimedia, CC Energy hawks — hell, all of us, really — have no doubt gotten a little tired of hearing about how much investment China is dumping into clean energy compared to the United States. Yes, we are severely lagging in the renewable sector, and yes, China is poised to eat our lunch in solar and wind — China has just set a new goal to get 500 GW of renewable power on the grid by 2020. No, we’re nowhere near that number — and we certainly won’t be if we continue on our current trajectory. But there’s still a lot to learn from Ch… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Here is the original post:
China to Hit 500 GW of Renewable Power by 2020

Canadian Government Partnered With Polluting Industry to Fight US Climate Action

photo: Diane Worth / Creative Commons Considering the considerable official enthusiasm for the highly polluting and carbon intensive Alberta tar sands, this really isn’t so surprising: According to correspondence obtained by the Pembina Institute , the Canadian Government is “pursuing an orchestrated strategy to undermine US effort to combat climate change” and partnered with polluters to fight US effort to reduce emissions from high-carb… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Here is the original post:
Canadian Government Partnered With Polluting Industry to Fight US Climate Action

China Overtakes US as Most Attractive Country for Renewable Energy For First Time

photo: Charles Henry / Creative Commons Steven Chu just said now is the US’ Sputnik moment for clean technology, and here’s some independent confirmation of that: Ernst & Young has just released a new Country Attractiveness Inde… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read this article:
China Overtakes US as Most Attractive Country for Renewable Energy For First Time

Obama Admin to Speed Up Offshore Wind Power Development

Photo: Kim Hansen , Wikimedia, CC As it stands, it typically takes a staggering 7 years — at the very least — for an offshore wind project to receive federal approval to begin construction. And as we’ve seen with the infamous Cape Wind project , there’s plenty of red tape on the local and state levels as well. So its no surprise that the the US is seriously lagging in the offshore wind power sector. But the Dept. of the… Read the full story on TreeHugger

More here:
Obama Admin to Speed Up Offshore Wind Power Development

How Loud is a Wind Turbine? (Infographic)

Image: GE Reports, used with permission. GE Reports , which is apparently a blog “sponsored by GE but created by a bunch of tech people” (whatever that means) has a nice infographic that shows how loud a wind turbine is on average depending on how far away you are. While GE makes wind turbines and isn’t an unbiased source, they are using data from the NIDCD (part of the National Institute of Health), a pretty credible source…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

See original here:
How Loud is a Wind Turbine? (Infographic)

World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm (300 MW) is Inaugurated Off England’s Coast

Photo: Vattenfall Thanet Offshore Wind Farm You never know with big, expensive and technically difficult project. They have a thousand ways to die, from cost overruns to changing market conditions to insurmountable technical problems. Two years ago, Matt wrote about Vattenfall’s plans to build a huge wind farm off the South-East coast of England, and today, I’m very happy to see that the completed Thanet offshore wind farm is ready to go. The £880 million (about $1.4 billion) Thanet … Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read more from the original source:
World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm (300 MW) is Inaugurated Off England’s Coast

Italian Renewable Energy Exec Arrested for Mafia Ties

“Lord of the Wind” A week ago, I wrote about the Italian Mafia infiltrating the renewable energy industry and using it to do what it usually does (laundering money, fraud, controlling who gets construction contracts, etc). Well, it didn’t take long for new developments to surface: Police officers have arrested a renewable energy exec and seized “1.5 billion euros worth of assets [!!!], including 43 wind and solar energy companies” because of alleged mafia ties…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Italian Renewable Energy Exec Arrested for Mafia Ties

Today on Planet 100: Italian Mafia Cleans Up with Wind Energy (Video)

See the rest here:
Today on Planet 100: Italian Mafia Cleans Up with Wind Energy (Video)