Tag Archives: oldest-living

TED Talk: Rachel Sussman Photographs The World’s Oldest Living Things (Video)

A map of the planet’s oldest living things, via Rachel Sussman What are the oldest living things on the planet? If you’re thinking 200-year-old tortoises, well, those are just whippersnappers compared to the organisms that give Methuselah a run for his money. Rachel Sussman has traveled the planet photographing living creatures that have celebrated at least their 2,000th birthday. She’s found 500,000-year-old actinobacteria in the Siberian permafrost, and a 5,000-year-old bristle cone pine in California. Her photographs are meant to do two things: 1) show us these miracles of life on our planet … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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TED Talk: Rachel Sussman Photographs The World’s Oldest Living Things (Video)