Tag Archives: olympic-sports

McKayla Maroney’s Bikini Pics for the Interent of the Day

McKayla Maroney is like 12, or at least she’s built like a 12 year old, because as an Olympic gymnast who dabbles in acting when it isn’t an Olympic year, she has to have this kind of body to do the tricks properly, making staring at her bikini pics, pretty fucking creepy, even if she’s got the mind of a 17 year old all horny and statistically not a virgin, especially since she’s in competitive olympic sports that tour, because those are the ones with the most STDs….and you know she’s into manipulating men with her bikini body, that 12 year old body, pretending she’s all wholesome and shit, and it is just fucking weird…probably similar to what adult women who fuck Bieber feel…

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McKayla Maroney’s Bikini Pics for the Interent of the Day

Angry Norwegians In Scuba Gear Chase Google Street View

Plus pitchforks (which would probably make scuba more interesting, were they adopted as “gear”)! This is another for the Things That Should Be Olympic Sports file. View