Tag Archives: going-on-today

McKayla Maroney’s Bikini Pics for the Interent of the Day

McKayla Maroney is like 12, or at least she’s built like a 12 year old, because as an Olympic gymnast who dabbles in acting when it isn’t an Olympic year, she has to have this kind of body to do the tricks properly, making staring at her bikini pics, pretty fucking creepy, even if she’s got the mind of a 17 year old all horny and statistically not a virgin, especially since she’s in competitive olympic sports that tour, because those are the ones with the most STDs….and you know she’s into manipulating men with her bikini body, that 12 year old body, pretending she’s all wholesome and shit, and it is just fucking weird…probably similar to what adult women who fuck Bieber feel…

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McKayla Maroney’s Bikini Pics for the Interent of the Day

Charlize Theron Camel Toe of the Day

This is what’s going on today in Charlize Theron Camel Toe News…I know fascinating…but not as fascinating as all the whoring she’s done to get a pussy big and hungry enough to eat her pants…cuz over the years you know going from South African babe to hollywood star took some object insertion in that pussy…

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Charlize Theron Camel Toe of the Day

Exclusive: Marlon Wayans Goes In On KimYe And Reveals Diddy’s Plans For Ciroc-Baby “Flavored Tidday Milk” [Video]

Marlon Wayans is a friend to the site…and when he’s in movie mode, he’s pure comedy. He’s promoting his newest jawn, A Haunted House, and talked to Bossip about things going on today in pop culture… like Kimye.

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Exclusive: Marlon Wayans Goes In On KimYe And Reveals Diddy’s Plans For Ciroc-Baby “Flavored Tidday Milk” [Video]

Sara Paxton and Katherine McPhee Shark Night 3D Bikini Pics of the Day

Yes, I posted the french trailer, because it is the only thing that makes this crap a cultural experience…..What garbage….. I mean other than the fact that it was made, and more importantly that someone actually paid serious money to have it made, and I assume this is written by the same people who did that Piranha 3D shit that I had the horrible misfortune of watching because my friend is a pervert who likes seeing Riley Steele Porn Naked Tits and Naked Kelly Brook Huge tits getting eaten alive after a romantic underwater dance… … It’s some straight to DVD Caliber…but here are some promo pics and screenshots cuz I got nothing else going on today…and I like shitty movies with lots of bikini and tit to distract from how shitty it is….I am just offended this smut exists when there are starving children in the world… No they aren’t paying me for this, but they should….

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Sara Paxton and Katherine McPhee Shark Night 3D Bikini Pics of the Day

Jon & Kate Plus Judgment

If money talks, then there’s going to be a lot of jibber-jabbering going on today. Jon and Kate Gosselin and their respective legal camps are meeting today to hash out various…

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Jon & Kate Plus Judgment

Megan Fox Because It Is My Job

There’s some kind of silly 24-hour Megan Fox ban going on today, which I find to be the dumbest publicity stunt for sites that may be hurting to gain attention. Personally, banning anyone who is that hot is absolutely nuts! Especially when they’re the only girl in the world that can make a mess in your pants with a simple facial expression. I’d like to consider anytime there are pictures of a hot chick, whether it be Megan Fox or another hottie, an automatic post

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Megan Fox Because It Is My Job