Tag Archives: only-posting

Courtney Love See-Thru Shirt of the Day

I hope Courtney Love’s leather/latex pants a breathable, because she looks like the kind of girl who you don’t want to have her pussy roastin’ inside some small, hot space with little ventilation. It’s more the kind of pussy you want to air the fuck out on the regular, maybe throw her in a skirt with cotton panties just so the scents and discharge don’t fester and make her lady parts start to slowly rot

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Courtney Love See-Thru Shirt of the Day

Rachel Sterling and Her Tits of the Day

I hate giving this girl any publicity. It’s not that she’s done anything to offend me, if anything she hasn’t done it hasn’t done anything. She was a Pussycat Doll in the Vegas show , or in Playboy, or something equally trashy and designed for the kind of chicks I hate, and now she tours shitty clubs where I am guessing she DJs or maybe just sits and poses in the VIP room and I find the whole thing pathetic, but she doesn’t

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Rachel Sterling and Her Tits of the Day