Tag Archives: some-see-thru

Julianne Hough in Costume of the Day

Here is Dancing with the Stars dancer who danced with the stars who weren’t really stars but more people who had some level of fame and were trying to initiate some kind of revival in their careers, like performing CPR on the shit cuz it was so far gone that even if they did salvage it, it would have serious brain damage. Her dancing with the stars work has turned into a country singer with a record deal, making her a low level star herself and one day soon she may be back dancing with her old buddies who only as a star and not one of the dancers who dances with the stars

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Julianne Hough in Costume of the Day

Aria Paradiso Showing off Her Stomach of the Day

I’ve never heard of Paradiso, but apparently they are some band and I have no interest in looking them up because I’m only posting this cuz she’s in some see-thru mess bullshit that is touching her pussy, ass and tits all at the same time, in some kind of magical article of clothing that has far more reach or skill than my hands, cuz I can only do pussy and ass, or pussy and tit or ass at tit at the same time, I never mastered all three lady parts at once, and for that, this American Apparel leotard is a far better lover than I could ever be…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Aria Paradiso Showing off Her Stomach of the Day

Avril Lavigne Wrestles Dudes on the Beach of the Day

The one thing I’d want to see when my wife was off in St Tropez on vacation without me, is pictures of her wrestling some dude in the sand, even if that dude is clearly a gay, but that’s just because I am lookin for any excuse to divorce my wife in a way that I still get paid by her since I’m a broke ass trick, but I’m sure the average person’s blood would boil seeing their wife fuckin’ around with other dudes on vacation, even if we all know that whenever your girl goes on vacation she ends up cheating on you, because it’s one of those out of sight out of mind situations, at least that’s what every dude I’ve ever met who has gone to a resort has told me about how the girls they bang all have boyfriends or husbands back at home, but I wouldn’t know first hand because I’m a broke ass trick.

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Avril Lavigne Wrestles Dudes on the Beach of the Day

Courtney Love See-Thru Shirt of the Day

I hope Courtney Love’s leather/latex pants a breathable, because she looks like the kind of girl who you don’t want to have her pussy roastin’ inside some small, hot space with little ventilation. It’s more the kind of pussy you want to air the fuck out on the regular, maybe throw her in a skirt with cotton panties just so the scents and discharge don’t fester and make her lady parts start to slowly rot

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Courtney Love See-Thru Shirt of the Day