Tag Archives: only-unloading

Krackoon Trailer: Because What the World Needs Now is a Crack-Addicted Raccoon Splatter Flick

In a world where everything from tires to mad cows can turn fiercely homicidal in the blink of an eye, it was always kind of comforting to think that raccoons always stopped just short of murder — that the worst we could expect from them was a nocturnal trashivore binge or some medium-grade campsite ravaging. Damn you, Krackoon , for snuffing out that comfort with your nightmare visions of crack-addled, gut-munching critters terrorizing the Bronx. Like we didn’t have enough problems with steroidal bedbugs .

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Krackoon Trailer: Because What the World Needs Now is a Crack-Addicted Raccoon Splatter Flick

The I Am Number Four Trailer: Twilight With Aliens

“Number 1 was killed in Malaysia. Number 2 was murdered in England. Number 3 was hunted down in Kenya. Before they come for the others, they’ll come for me. I am Number 4.” Ominous! That’s “John Smith” — a.k.a. Number Four — one of six remaining aliens from the planet Lorien, describing his plight at the beginning of the trailer for I Am Number Four . What’s his course of action for survival?

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The I Am Number Four Trailer: Twilight With Aliens

4 Edgy Family Situations Tackled in Last Night’s Parenthood: ‘It’s a Braverman Tradition’

During last week’s Parenthood , Sarah Braverman put her brother in a difficult situation by flirting with his supervisor over chocolate pudding . As delicious as that conversation may have seemed to them, it was a rotten dessert for Adam. He dealt with the ignominy by passive aggressively storing his resentment, only unloading fits of white, middle-class rage on Sarah days later for no apparent reason. The valuable lessons continued last night with the episode, “I’m Cooler Than You Think,” in which no character proved that they were cooler than you think.

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4 Edgy Family Situations Tackled in Last Night’s Parenthood: ‘It’s a Braverman Tradition’