Tag Archives: orgies-because

Kelly Brook is a Desperate and Horny Whore of the Day

I can smell the dripping horny pussy from here…Kelly Brook must be at her sexual peak and her biological clock must be ticking…or maybe she’s just trying to put on a show for the small amount of the public who actually know and care about who she is…or maybe she’s just being possessive and overcompensating because her athlete boyfriend is probably dippin’ his gym shorts in a whole lot of other pussy cuz that’s what pro athletes do and I guess she’s just trying lay her stake for the world to see and I find the whole thing desperate and disgusting…rent a fucking room you whore…I hate horny girls because there’s nothing hot about a girl losing herself to her pussy’s itch…acting all swoony and pathetic…I prefer a girl who hates sex and is only letting me inside her because I’m either paying or raping.

Read this article:
Kelly Brook is a Desperate and Horny Whore of the Day

Boring Bikini Model Party You Weren’t Invited to of the Day

Doutzen Kroes and Alessandra Ambrosio were kickin’ it after their really stressful day standing around in a bikini and getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, so they hit the bottle….and shit looked really fucking boring. I prefer model parties to end with lesbian sex orgies because they had a little too much to drink…. My only really question is what happened to Adriana Lima?

See the original post here:
Boring Bikini Model Party You Weren’t Invited to of the Day