Who’s the tortoise and who’s the hare?? Rihanna And Karrueche Are Rumored To Be Competing To Chris Brown’s Baby Via Star (print version) He’s abusive and unfaithful, but apparently he’s also irresistible! In the latest sad development in the Chris Brown/Rihanna/Karrueche Tran love triangle, Star leasrns that the two women are still competing for the “Turn Up the Music” singer, 23, and are now using their wombs as leverage. “Both Rihanna and Karrueche are trying to get pregnant because they think it’s the only way to make Chris commit to one of them for good,” a source tells Star, adding that the ladies believe “the woman who has his baby will be calling the shots.” But why fight over a guy like Chris? For Karrueche, 24, it’s plain old desperation: “Karrueche has no carreer and no money, and she is desperate to hand on to Chris,” says the source. “Without him, she’s a broke nobody. If getting pregnant is what it takes to keep him, so be it.” For RiRi, also 24, her motication seems to be pure brinkmanship. “She says Chris is the only man she has ever loved and that she always planned on having kids with him somedaym” says the informant. “She’s willing to make that happen a lot sooner if it gets karrueche out of his life. Ladies, if he’s such a bad boyfriend, will he be a better daddy? Image via WENN
Read more here:
Baby Mama Drama: Are Rih-Rih And Karrueche In A Race For A Gut Full Of Breezy?!?!