Tag Archives: other-forests

NYC Guerrilla Gardeners Turn Billboard Blight into Pop-Up Planters — In Four Easy Steps

Photo of an ‘instant’ garden at Spring and Lafayette via NYC The Blog . Guerrilla gardeners in New York have seized the opportunity created by the city’s crackdown on illegal advertisements to promote their own cause on the now-empty billboard spaces: greening the urban jungle, one pop-up wall garden at a time…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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NYC Guerrilla Gardeners Turn Billboard Blight into Pop-Up Planters — In Four Easy Steps

World’s Mangroves Being Destroyed Four Times Faster Than Other Forests

Mangroves in Kiribati, photo: UNEP The United Nations Environment Programme and the Nature Conservancy have released the first global assessment in a decade of the state of the world’s mangrove forests and the prognosis isn’t particularly good: The report found that, despite conservation efforts and slowing rates of clearance, mangroves are being cleared at three to four times the rate of other forests…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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World’s Mangroves Being Destroyed Four Times Faster Than Other Forests