Tag Archives: deforestation

Highway Approved for Moscow’s Khimki Forest

The Khimki Forest in Russia. Photo: Defence of the Khimki Forest . Celebrity support and public outrage have failed to keep a highway from being built through one of the few forests left in the Moscow region. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who lifted activists’ hopes when he halted the road construction in Aug… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Highway Approved for Moscow’s Khimki Forest

Highway Approved for Moscow’s Khimki Forest

The Khimki Forest in Russia. Photo: Defence of the Khimki Forest . Celebrity support and public outrage have failed to keep a highway from being built through one of the few forests left in the Moscow region. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who lifted activists’ hopes when he halted the road construction in Aug… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Highway Approved for Moscow’s Khimki Forest

Scientists Dress Up as Pandas to Fool Them (and Us?)

Photo: the Independent O.k.; which one is the real panda and which is the scientist? It’s a tough one: scientists in China are dressing up as pandas in order to prepare the bears for release into the wild. Pandas are an endangered species, there are just 2,500 left and they can’t get too used to human contact because it will make them too tame. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Scientists Dress Up as Pandas to Fool Them (and Us?)

Scientists Dress Up as Pandas to Fool Them (and Us?)

Photo: the Independent O.k.; which one is the real panda and which is the scientist? It’s a tough one: scientists in China are dressing up as pandas in order to prepare the bears for release into the wild. Pandas are an endangered species, there are just 2,500 left and they can’t get too used to human contact because it will make them too tame. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Scientists Dress Up as Pandas to Fool Them (and Us?)

Corals Reefs Will Be Wiped Out By 2050, Expert Says

Photo by laszlo-photo via Flickr creative commons First the news was that if we don’t change our habits around fishing, all the world’s fisheries will be wiped out by 2050. Now, experts guess that if we don’t significantly change our interaction with the ocean, coral reefs will be all but wiped out by that same time. J.E.N. Veron, former chief scientist of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, writes that human pollution of the water, as well as human-generated carbon dioxide emissions which are causing ocean acidification and rising ocean tempe… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Corals Reefs Will Be Wiped Out By 2050, Expert Says

West Nile Virus Rates Higher in Low-Income Neighborhoods

Image: Ashok Prabhakaran via flickr An EPA-funded study found recently that not only is the West Nile virus more prevalent in low-income neighborhoods, but that economic conditions, including personal income, are the greatest predictor of disease occurrence. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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West Nile Virus Rates Higher in Low-Income Neighborhoods

Amazon Deforestation Rate is the Lowest in Decades

Photo: Stephen Messenger Over the past several years, the Brazilian government has been tackling deforestation in the Amazon with vigor, and it seems all their efforts are paying off. In an announcement made today, Brazil confirmed that the rate of forest loss over the last year represents the lowest in over two decades since record-keeping began — and down over 13 percent from the last year. The nation’s Environmental Minister describes the progress as “fantastic.” … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Amazon Deforestation Rate is the Lowest in Decades

Indonesia Using $1 Billion in Forest Protection Funds to Cut Down Forests?

Peat forest leveled for palm oil in Riau, Indonesia. Photo: Wakx , Flickr, CC It was a trailblazing ‘showcase’ deal in global climate negotiations: Norway agreed to send $1 billion to Indonesia (most of it coming from Norway) if the nation would put a moratorium on logging its natural forests and peat lands, and replant degraded areas. The deal would reduce carbon emissions by millions of tons, and prevent widespread habitat loss. Indonesia accepted, and t… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Indonesia Using $1 Billion in Forest Protection Funds to Cut Down Forests?

Palm Oil Plantations on Peat Soil No Longer Qualify for Clean Development Mechanism Carbon Credits

Palm oil plantation and processing plant, photo: Marufish via flickr Good that this loophole’s been closed: As Wetlands International reports agricultural plantations on peat soils –those in Southeast Asia for palm oil or other industrial agriculture are the perfect… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Palm Oil Plantations on Peat Soil No Longer Qualify for Clean Development Mechanism Carbon Credits

Electric Sports Cars, SUVs and Mini-Vans in Fully Charged Round-up (Video)

Image credit: Fully Charged Robert Llewellyn has been busy once again. Having road tested of the BMW Mini-E , explored fast electric car charging , and reviewed the Nissan Leaf , the cult British TV presenter and comedy actor has also been trying out some more unusual EV’s. From a fully electric Range Rover SUV, through… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Electric Sports Cars, SUVs and Mini-Vans in Fully Charged Round-up (Video)