Tag Archives: global-climate

Is Empathy The Most Important Survival Skill of the 21st Century? John Marshall Roberts Thinks So (Video)

From a psychological and metaphysical perspective global climate change, just a symptom of the greater problem of unsustainable resource usage by humans, isn’t a problem of greenhouse gases, it’s a problem of lack of empathy and the triumph of cynicism. I’ve written about this many times on… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Is Empathy The Most Important Survival Skill of the 21st Century? John Marshall Roberts Thinks So (Video)

COP16 May Fail to Stop Climate Change, But An Abolitionist Shift Will

photo: Jason McHuff / Creative Commons For months now, indeed for nearly all of 2010, the hopes for a global climate deal coming out of COP16, now underway in Cancun, Mexico, have been downplayed again and again. In fact, on the second day of talks Marc Gunther over at GreenBiz produced a list of

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COP16 May Fail to Stop Climate Change, But An Abolitionist Shift Will

Do Your Shopping On Small Business Saturday

Dense, walkable, resilient towns and cities are a key component of getting off oil, and viable main street retail is the key to having vibrant main streets. For historic preservationists concerned about the fabric of our main streets, successful stores are key to maintaining our main street buildings. That’s why National Trust for Historic Preservation is behind Small Business Saturday ; the big businesses are usually in the big boxes in the ‘burbs. But it isn’t just about buildings; it’s about jobs…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Do Your Shopping On Small Business Saturday

The Week in Pictures: Has Indonesia Broken Forest Protection Deal? Is WiFi Killing Trees? And More (Slideshow)

It was a trailblazing ‘showcase’ deal in global climate negotiations: Norway agreed to send $1 billion to Indonesia , if the nation would put a moratorium on logging its natural forests and peat lands, and replant degraded areas. The deal would reduce carbon emissions by millions of tons, and prevent widespread habitat loss. Indonesia accepted, and the details were to be finalized at the upcoming climate summit in Cancun. There’s just one small problem… More on that, below, and other stories from the… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Week in Pictures: Has Indonesia Broken Forest Protection Deal? Is WiFi Killing Trees? And More (Slideshow)

Indonesia Using $1 Billion in Forest Protection Funds to Cut Down Forests?

Peat forest leveled for palm oil in Riau, Indonesia. Photo: Wakx , Flickr, CC It was a trailblazing ‘showcase’ deal in global climate negotiations: Norway agreed to send $1 billion to Indonesia (most of it coming from Norway) if the nation would put a moratorium on logging its natural forests and peat lands, and replant degraded areas. The deal would reduce carbon emissions by millions of tons, and prevent widespread habitat loss. Indonesia accepted, and t… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Indonesia Using $1 Billion in Forest Protection Funds to Cut Down Forests?

McKibben On Tour, Stops By New York to Inspire Letterman (Video)

photo via 350.org Big props to David Letterman for bringing on Bill McKibben earlier this week to talk to Letterman’s 4 million nightly viewers about global climate change and Bill’s 350.org project . 350.org has a savvy campaign to get the White House to put solar panels back on the roof after Ronald Reagen had them taken off in the 80s. Dave asked some sharp questions about nuclear power and political inaction, and Bill, as always, was ready with sharper answers that added some hope to the fight for an energy revolution. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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McKibben On Tour, Stops By New York to Inspire Letterman (Video)

Al Gore, Global Warming Myths. Beware of Prophets Seeking Profits!

A brief list of arguments that each refute the notion that the community should be scared by the idea of global warming.The Swindle The Great Global Warming Swindle Sea Levels Not Rising….. Except In The Lies of the IPCC Solar Cycles,…Not CO2 Determine Climate…Global Climate Explained (If you Want To Worry) Suspend Disaster…The Myth Of Global Warming A Load Of Hot Air…Climate Change Hysteria is Costing Us The Ice Age Cometh…The Real Danger Of An Ice Age Global Warming…Messy Models, Decent Data, and Pointless Policy Hot Politics… Doctoring Of Reports By UN Experts Cool Climate…The Absurdity Of Trying To Control Climate A Pagan Fantasy…The Effect Of Accepting Popular Paranoia As Truth http://www.ourcivilisation.com/aginatur/moregw.htm added by: congoboy

Is It August 2010 or 2009? The State of International Climate Negotiations Offer Little Clue

photo: Ben and Kaz Askins via flickr Maybe the summer heat is going to my head, because a quick review of the state of global climate talks prior to COP16, now about four and half months away, just evokes a feeling deja vu : From island nations worried about their future saying no enough is being done, to delegates saying they have to pick up the pace to enact anything meaningful, to the US saying it’s committed to cutting greenhouse gases yet Congress utterly failing to do, well, anything. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Is It August 2010 or 2009? The State of International Climate Negotiations Offer Little Clue

CO2 Linked To Ice Ages & Past Global Climate Changes

photo: Dominic Alves via flickr Taking a look back to past global climate changes, researchers led by Timothy Herbert of Brown University have determined that for at least the past 2.7 million years tropical temperatures have “changed in lockstep” with the cyclical spread and retreat of ice sheets, and that CO2 has been the main factor dictating global climate patterns. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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CO2 Linked To Ice Ages & Past Global Climate Changes

Saudis want to charge US for reducing oil usage

If you thought the executives at Goldman Sachs were the kings of backroom finance, think again. Goldman Sachs, meet Saudi King Abdullah. A new gambit by the oil-dealing kingdom would have Western oil guzzlers paying for using less oil

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Saudis want to charge US for reducing oil usage