Tag Archives: island-nations

Boycott Bluefin Tuna & Let the Critically Endangered Fish Off the Hook

International efforts to reduce fishing quotas for Icritically endangered Atlantic bluefin tuna , or better yet ban the trade outright, may have failed (again…), but that doesn’t mean you can’t help take action to reduce demand. The Center for Biological Diversity has just launched a boycott campaign urging chefs, restauranteurs and consumers to not buy or serve the bluefin… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Boycott Bluefin Tuna & Let the Critically Endangered Fish Off the Hook

Climate-Related Deaths Doubled in 2010

Photo: DVIDSHUB , Flickr, CC In the first nine months of this year, more than 21,000 people perished around the world due to climate-related events, a new report from Oxfam finds. That’s more than twice as many died in all of 2009. This news should hardly be surprising to anyone who follows international news — the flooding in Pakistan , heat waves in Russia , and sea level rise in island nations like T… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Climate-Related Deaths Doubled in 2010

Is It August 2010 or 2009? The State of International Climate Negotiations Offer Little Clue

photo: Ben and Kaz Askins via flickr Maybe the summer heat is going to my head, because a quick review of the state of global climate talks prior to COP16, now about four and half months away, just evokes a feeling deja vu : From island nations worried about their future saying no enough is being done, to delegates saying they have to pick up the pace to enact anything meaningful, to the US saying it’s committed to cutting greenhouse gases yet Congress utterly failing to do, well, anything. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Is It August 2010 or 2009? The State of International Climate Negotiations Offer Little Clue

The sea devours a disputed island – Bangladesh and climate change

The world is changing. Our atmosphere changes and our climate, as a result, does too. But also now, topographically, oru changing climate is beginning to alter our world. For the last few years island nations like the Maldvies have tried to raise awareness of the threat they face because of rising sea levels. And today, user WakeUpPeople clipped this story about global warming and geopolitics: Island disputed by India and Bangladesh has now been claimed by the sea. Map from FP Passport New Moore Island (or South Talpatti), has been disputed for over three decades. Now it's simply no longer there. It's only part of the incredible loss of land seen in the Bay of Bengal over the last few years. Vanguard's Adam Yamaguchi was in Bangladesh three years ago to see how the ocean was literally eating away the country year by year. added by: afitzgerald