Tag Archives: oil-consumption

America’s Energy Sacrifices: The Price Of "Freedom of Mobility"

Portion of Matt Bors’ cartoon Andrew Sullivan tells us that a few days ago, at a Freedom Fest with Sarah Palin as the keynote, former Virginia Governor George Allen claimed: Americans are not addicted to oil, Americans are addicted to freedom – the freedom to move freely and independently where and when we want. In a killer of a cartoon, Matt Bors nails

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America’s Energy Sacrifices: The Price Of "Freedom of Mobility"

Quote of the Day: David Frum on How To Get Off Oil

Remember $4.00 gas? How it killed the Hummer and changed habits? Conservative columnist David Frum does, as he hits TreeHugger two days in a row for being….sensible. No wonder he got fired from the American Enterprise Institute. He writes in CNN.com about the tough but necessary slog to get off oil: President Obama is right: We can take the U.S. off oil. But he omitted to mention the fine print: Doing … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Quote of the Day: David Frum on How To Get Off Oil

Saudis want to charge US for reducing oil usage

If you thought the executives at Goldman Sachs were the kings of backroom finance, think again. Goldman Sachs, meet Saudi King Abdullah. A new gambit by the oil-dealing kingdom would have Western oil guzzlers paying for using less oil

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Saudis want to charge US for reducing oil usage