Tag Archives: office design

Quote of the Day: David Frum on How To Get Off Oil

Remember $4.00 gas? How it killed the Hummer and changed habits? Conservative columnist David Frum does, as he hits TreeHugger two days in a row for being….sensible. No wonder he got fired from the American Enterprise Institute. He writes in CNN.com about the tough but necessary slog to get off oil: President Obama is right: We can take the U.S. off oil. But he omitted to mention the fine print: Doing … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Quote of the Day: David Frum on How To Get Off Oil

MoGO iPhone App Helps Citizens Report Oiled Wildlife in Gulf

Image via MoGO A new iPhone app is helping turn citizens into assistants for rescue workers in the Gulf of Mexico. Called MoGO – short for Mobile Gulf Observatory – users can take photos of oiled or dead wildlife, tar balls and oil slicks and upload them into the database which pinpoints their location for rescue workers. The free app gives untrained citizens a way to significantly help in the rescue effort, and gives trained volunteers and scientists much needed help in keeping track of impacted wildlife…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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MoGO iPhone App Helps Citizens Report Oiled Wildlife in Gulf

Seth Godin Says Goodbye To The Office

ah, the traditional mad men style office. Sex . Smokes. Whiskey. Seth Godin, who is not in the picture above, questions why we have offices at all any more. He lists seven excuses often used to explain why we go to offices, including “3. The boss needs to keep tabs on my productivity” and “7. I need someplace to go.” He then demolishes these arguments with seven answers, including “3. The boss can easily keep tabs on productivity digitally” (mine does) and “7. So go someplace. But it doesn’t have to be to your office.” He concludes “What’s missing i… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Seth Godin Says Goodbye To The Office