Source: Jason LaVeris / Getty Jade Novah nailed it this time with her Beyoncé impersonation. Just in time for the holidays, the Instagram star and singer channeled her inner Bey, Toni Braxton and other R&B Divas for a parody Beyoncé Christmas album — and it’s hilariously epic.
Source: Jason LaVeris / Getty Jade Novah nailed it this time with her Beyoncé impersonation. Just in time for the holidays, the Instagram star and singer channeled her inner Bey, Toni Braxton and other R&B Divas for a parody Beyoncé Christmas album — and it’s hilariously epic.
THIS NEW YEAR'S EVE: Ball drops: 1 Chappelle specials: 2 You do the math. — Netflix Is A Joke (@NetflixIsAJoke) December 22, 2017 Dave Chappelle is doubling down on his New Year’s Eve stand up dropping two specials in one night. In addition to the previously announced Dave Chappelle: Equanimity, Netflix will also drop Dave Chappelle: The Bird Revelation on December 31, 2017. The second special was filmed at The Comedy Store in Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago on Nov, 20th. So the material is very fresh.
I like a big booty as much as the next guy, maybe a little more than the next guy, so these shots are working for me. Here’s Ice T’s wife CoCo looking good with her big breasts and massive posterior stuffed into a tight little dress. I don’t know how the material is able to contain that thing, it’s working so hard it’s almost see through. I like it. I’m just waiting for those big old boobies to come popping out. I’ve got all day.
Blackwater Worldwide, the real-life mercenary team linked to the killing of civilians and noncombatants in Iraq during U.S. operations there, will be the subject of a Kinect-supported video game coming to the Xbox 360 later this year. Published by 505 Games and titled, simply, Blackwater, the game is being produced in consultation Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Wired: Danger Room Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 00:23 Number of articles : 2
I learned of this via Solar flares. You can see the material crashing back into the sun. Want another view? Apparently this wasn’t pointed directly at the Earth but we are getting some of the blast. There will probably be auroras on 8-9 … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : What Does The Prayer Really Say? Discovery Date : 08/06/2011 04:29 Number of articles : 2
Welcome, gossip fans, to another edition of THG’s Caption Contest ! When celebrity train wreck Lindsay Lohan (with her sister Ali) attends a New York Knicks game, the material for your captions is basically Limitless . What are she/they thinking or saying here? Tell us! All you do is click “Comments” below and submit your best caption(s) – as many as you like. We’ll announce a winner Monday . Go to town and good luck …
A Russian scientist is trying to convince people they can change the world simply by using their own energy. He claims that thinking in a certain way can have a positive or negative effect on the surrounding environment. “We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world,” said Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University. visit for more science added by: mattovermatter
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ah, the traditional mad men style office. Sex . Smokes. Whiskey. Seth Godin, who is not in the picture above, questions why we have offices at all any more. He lists seven excuses often used to explain why we go to offices, including “3. The boss needs to keep tabs on my productivity” and “7. I need someplace to go.” He then demolishes these arguments with seven answers, including “3. The boss can easily keep tabs on productivity digitally” (mine does) and “7. So go someplace. But it doesn’t have to be to your office.” He concludes “What’s missing i… Read the full story on TreeHugger