Tag Archives: carbon-dioxide

Atmosphere: The Science Museum Opens Amazing Interactive Gallery to Explain Climate Change (Photos)

Image by Leonora Oppenheim We first heard about the The Science Museum’s new climate change gallery back in March this year when we read an exasperating report in The Times saying the museum was “revising the contents of its new climate science gallery to reflect the wave of scepticism that has engulfed the issue in recent months.” It seems like a shaky and uncertain start, so we’ve been waiting to see what the fuss was all about ever since. Now we’re pleased to say that the gallery is open in London and TreeHugger was … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Atmosphere: The Science Museum Opens Amazing Interactive Gallery to Explain Climate Change (Photos)

Thriving Biosphere Found in Rocks Deep Underneath Seafloor

Photo credit: M. McCarthy via University of California, Santa Cruz There’s a reason for leaving “no stone unturned” when it comes to scientific exploration — there’s probably life underneath even the most unlikely rock. Even if that rock is well under the seafloor. Researchers from the University of California, Santa Cruz, have found evidence for a biological community of living organisms camped out in porous rock deep underneath the seabed. The microbes are “chemoautotrophic,” getting their energy from chemicals rather than sunlight or sunlight-dependent or… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Thriving Biosphere Found in Rocks Deep Underneath Seafloor

Corals Reefs Will Be Wiped Out By 2050, Expert Says

Photo by laszlo-photo via Flickr creative commons First the news was that if we don’t change our habits around fishing, all the world’s fisheries will be wiped out by 2050. Now, experts guess that if we don’t significantly change our interaction with the ocean, coral reefs will be all but wiped out by that same time. J.E.N. Veron, former chief scientist of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, writes that human pollution of the water, as well as human-generated carbon dioxide emissions which are causing ocean acidification and rising ocean tempe… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Corals Reefs Will Be Wiped Out By 2050, Expert Says

Oxygen found on Saturn moon: Nasa spacecraft discovers Rhea has thin atmosphere rich in O2

Saturn's second-largest moon Rhea has a thin atmosphere filled with oxygen and carbon dioxide, scientists said today.The discovery by Nasa’s Cassini-Huygens mission is the first time a spacecraft has captured direct evidence of an oxygen atmosphere on a world other than Earth. LINK : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1333294/Oxygen-Saturn-moon-Nasa-s… added by: GoldenHeart

Low carbon hemp house put to the test

Called the “HemPod,” this one-storey building has highly insulating walls made from the chopped woody core, or shiv, of the industrial hemp plant mixed with a specially developed lime-based binder. The hemp shiv traps air in the walls, and the hemp itself is porous, making the walls incredibly well insulated. The lime-based binder sticks together and protects the hemp and makes the building material highly fire resistant. The industrial hemp plant takes in carbon dioxide as it grows, and the lime render absorbs even more of the climate change gas, effectively giving the building an extremely low carbon footprint. “The walls are breathable and act as a sort of passive air-conditioning system, meaning that the internal humidity is kept constant and the quality of the air within the house is very good. The walls also have a 'virtual thermal mass' because of the remarkable pore structure of hemp shiv combined with the properties of the lime binder, which means the building is much more thermally efficient and the temperature inside the house stays fairly constant.” http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/09/100915205229.htm added by: JackHerer

Changes in Ocean Oxygen Levels Means Coastal Creatures Can’t Fight Illness

Photo by nukeit1 In normal conditions, marine animals are well equipped to fight off infection from the plethora of bacteria and viruses lurking in the oceans. However, that means having a hearty immune system that can react quickly if they get hurt. Researcher are finding that areas with low oxygen, such as within and around dead zones, and high carbon dioxide can wreak havoc on coastal animals’ ability to ward off disease. They are finding that for animals living in polluted areas such as these, it takes only half as much bacteria to be lethal. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Changes in Ocean Oxygen Levels Means Coastal Creatures Can’t Fight Illness

14 Apps Connecting You to the Gulf Oil Spill

Image via The Leak In Your Hometown App developers are always quick to hop on a new trend, especially one as big as the Gulf Oil Disaster. But that also means a plethora of tools and apps for all of us, from the serious news to snarky political elbowing. For staying up on the latest updates, becoming a citizen reporter, or simply grasping the impact of the spill, here are 14 apps that connect you to one of the greatest ecological disasters the US has ever experienced. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

14 Apps Connecting You to the Gulf Oil Spill

Ask Pablo: Why Should I Switch My House Over To All-Electric?

A Heat Exchanger. Image Source: Shandchem Dear Pablo: We had a home energy audit and the auditor suggested that we switch our space and water heating from natural gas to electric to become more sustainable. Why is this? The changes suggested by your building auditor can indeed be part of a comprehensive strategy to make your home “carbon neutral.” Since the majority of utility-supplied electricity comes from fossil fuel sources and is by no means “carbon neutral” … Read the full story on TreeHugger

Ask Pablo: Why Should I Switch My House Over To All-Electric?

Instant Offsets: Measuring Device Calculates Carbon Dioxide Absorption

Industrial designer Nitipak Samsen is concerned that “Global warming has been driven by capitalism, now we are trying to solve global warming through capitalism.” He has developed a sort of mini-carbon offsetting device he calls a A.T.R.E.E.M. ((Automated Tree-Rental for Emission Encaging Machine), which measures the growth of the tree and the rate of carbon dioxide absorption. You enter your activity (a flight, an electric bill), swipe your card and it measures the growth of the tree that would represent the carbon offset. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Instant Offsets: Measuring Device Calculates Carbon Dioxide Absorption

Good-bye, Polar Bears, Hello, Oil-drenched Pelicans: How the Gulf Spill is Changing the Environmental Movement

illustrations from New York Magazine Climate change was always a tough sell. But as an important article by Jason Zengerie in New York Magazine points out, it mostly seems to happen in another place, and another time. He quotes a pollster: “People overwhelmingly say melting ice is a very bad thing. The problem is that hardly any Americans live next to a melting glacier.” As can be seen by Brian’s post yesterday on the consensus among scientists on climate change , nothing will convince the sc… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Good-bye, Polar Bears, Hello, Oil-drenched Pelicans: How the Gulf Spill is Changing the Environmental Movement