Tag Archives: climate-science

Disagree with Al Gore — you are…


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Disagree with Al Gore — you are a racist “Fighting for Mother Earth’s Civil Rights”: Al Gore Says Debating With Him on Climate Science Is the Moral Equivalent of Being a Bull Connor Racist. If you have a strong stomach and can withstand hate-filled self righteousness, watch him below Source Since his own father voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I guess he knows a bit about the subject. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Tongue Tied 3 Discovery Date : 27/08/2011 14:48 Number of articles : 2

Disagree with Al Gore — you are…

Atmosphere: The Science Museum Opens Amazing Interactive Gallery to Explain Climate Change (Photos)

Image by Leonora Oppenheim We first heard about the The Science Museum’s new climate change gallery back in March this year when we read an exasperating report in The Times saying the museum was “revising the contents of its new climate science gallery to reflect the wave of scepticism that has engulfed the issue in recent months.” It seems like a shaky and uncertain start, so we’ve been waiting to see what the fuss was all about ever since. Now we’re pleased to say that the gallery is open in London and TreeHugger was … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Atmosphere: The Science Museum Opens Amazing Interactive Gallery to Explain Climate Change (Photos)

GOP Congressman Calls for Climate Action (Video)

We’ve entered a political era in the United States that’s distinctly hostile to climate science — a pretty stunning number of the new Congressmen coming to the Hill next year claim that climate change isn’t real , or that it isn’t caused by man. Meanwhile, the scien… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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GOP Congressman Calls for Climate Action (Video)