Tag Archives: mother-earth

Disagree with Al Gore — you are…


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Disagree with Al Gore — you are a racist “Fighting for Mother Earth’s Civil Rights”: Al Gore Says Debating With Him on Climate Science Is the Moral Equivalent of Being a Bull Connor Racist. If you have a strong stomach and can withstand hate-filled self righteousness, watch him below Source Since his own father voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I guess he knows a bit about the subject. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Tongue Tied 3 Discovery Date : 27/08/2011 14:48 Number of articles : 2

Disagree with Al Gore — you are…

Disagree with Al Gore — you are…


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Disagree with Al Gore — you are a racist “Fighting for Mother Earth’s Civil Rights”: Al Gore Says Debating With Him on Climate Science Is the Moral Equivalent of Being a Bull Connor Racist. If you have a strong stomach and can withstand hate-filled self righteousness, watch him below Source Since his own father voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I guess he knows a bit about the subject. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Tongue Tied 3 Discovery Date : 27/08/2011 14:48 Number of articles : 2

Disagree with Al Gore — you are…

Cancun Betrayal, UNFCCC Unmasked as WTO of the Sky/Real Solutions to the Climate Crisis Will Come From Grassroots Movements


Cancun Betrayal, UNFCCC Unmasked as WTO of the Sky/Real Solutions to the Climate Crisis Will Come From Grassroots Movements


Would You Travel One-Way to Mars?

Image: Jeff Barton and Three Rivers Foundation for the Arts & Sciences This week two scientists, Dirk Schulze-Makuch and Paul Davies, suggested in the Journal of Cosmology that it is time for humans to start colonizing Mars. Humanity needs some intrepid explorers to “boldly go” on a one-way mission to the red planet in order to ensure the conservation of our species in the event of the catastrophic devastation of our blue planet. The risks would be high, and the likelihood of return to Mother Earth would b… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Would You Travel One-Way to Mars?

Colmes Blogger: America ‘Riddled with Religion,’ Churches’ ‘Free Ride’ Should End

What’s the best way to address rising debt and deficits? According to one liberal blogger, it’s not cutting spending, but taxing churches, that will solve America’s financial woes. “[Americans] should have the right to support any institution they feel supports their views,” William K. Wolfrum wrote on Alan Colmes’s  Liberaland blog  Aug. 17. “But that does not mean the State should reimburse people or churches for their beliefs.” He argued that because churches take “political stands” – opposing gay marriage or abortion, for example – they should not enjoy tax-exempt status. But, to be fair, Wolfrum appears to show no favoritism. “The most important aspect of removing tax-exempt status from churches or religious entities is that it must be all-encompassing,” he wrote. “Whether you believe a certain religion is ‘true’ or ‘false’ makes no difference. Scientology should be taxes, as should Islam. The Catholic church should be taxes, as should synagogues. There are no favorites. Whether you believe in L. Ron Hubbard, Jesus, a tree, Mother Earth or Allah, it is time for the tax man to cometh.” Wolfrum brushed aside the idea that churches provide charity services for the needy, saying such work is done “for a singular purpose – to encourage people to follow their beliefs. The more that follow those beliefs, the more money is taken in by the church or religious entity.” He complained that the “Tax God” movement would never succeed “in a nation so riddled with religion.” Even so, Wolfrum concluded, “If America is serious about reigning in its ballooning debt, taxing churches needs to be put on the table. God has gotten a free ride long enough in the United States, and it’s hurting the one true religion in America – Capitalism.”

Glenn Beck’s Hilarious Sex Scandal Mock Interview With Al and Tipper Gore

The guys at the Glenn Beck Radio show had some fun at Al and Tipper Gore’s expense Thursday creating a mock interview where the host questioned the separated couple about the former Vice President’s antics with a masseuse in a Portland hotel room back in 2006. The role of the Global Warmingist in Chief was marvelously played by Pat Gray with Stu Burguiere doing an adequate Tipper. The interview began with Beck asking the Nobel Laureate what happened in the hotel Lucia that fateful evening. Al/Pat deliciously responded, “The global warming just became overwhelming as I was receiving massage” (video follows with more highlights and commentary): When Tipper/Stu was introduced, Al/Pat asked, “Do you remember the time when I read you poetry? When I said, ‘I was a child and she was a child in this kingdom by the sea. But we loved with a love that was more than love, I and my Annabel Lee.'” Tipper/Stu responded, “That really brings back memories.” Yes, Al reading Edgar Allan Poe poems to Tipper. Somehow you imagine them being more “The Raven” than “Annabel Lee,” but I digress. Later the couple renewed their claim that “Love Story” was indeed about them despite the convenient truth that Tipper didn’t die of cancer. But the highlight had to be Tipper/Stu’s marvelous haiku, “Get your hands off me. Why do you touch my buttocks? Mother Earth cries rape.” Now THAT’S poetry. Nice job, guys! 

Continued here:
Glenn Beck’s Hilarious Sex Scandal Mock Interview With Al and Tipper Gore

Evo Morales: Homosexuality is Caused by Eating Chicken

When Bolivian President Evo Morales took the stage to inaugurate the World People's Summit on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth on Tuesday in Cochabamba, he gave his thousands of politically correct attendees a surprise. Somewhere between appealing for an international climate change court and questioning why the United Nations still uses plastic cups, Morales went after genetically modified foods — by making a comment that some think meant that hormones cause homosexuality. “When we talk about chicken, it's pumped full of female hormones,” Morales said, “and so when men eat this chicken they stray from being men” (tienen desviaciones en su ser como hombres in Spanish, literally). The comment went over non-Spanish speakers' heads and so wasn't until sundown that it had rippled its way through the 10,000-participant gathering. By the next morning, the international press had gotten wind of it, Bolivian newspapers plastered it on their front page and Spain's national LGBT federation had issued a statement calling the comment “homophobic.” added by: UrbanGypsy

Earth Care Group Blog: Earth Day Reflection

This Thursday April 22, will be the fourtieth Earth Day I have lived through. But I have lived on this Earth approximately 18,697 days and there has not been one day where this Earth has failed to provide for all of my needs in every sense. And because of this, I pledged a long time ago to do my part as a citizen of this Earth to do all I can to preserve its beauty, mystery, and the systems that provide for our sustenance. That is what Earth Day is all about. It is about remembering all our Earth gives to us and paying homage to her and pledging to do all we can to do the same for her. However, on this Earth Day as on many other days before I am filled with hope yet sadness at seeing how we humans on the whole do not understand this message. Climate change combined with pollution now threaten to place our Earth on a collision course with catastrophe as we push the limitations of the very systems that give us life. We have become detached from Earth even though we live here. The beauty of a sunrise, a clear mountain stream, a tree, and now even the soul satisfying practice of tilling our own soil have been depraved by those who care little for the essence of Earth beyond what they can sell it for. So on this Earth Day as I have for almost every other of the approxomate 18,697 days I have lived here, I will pay homage to the magnificence of a planet unlike any other. A planet of unsurpassed beauty and potential. And I will never give up in doing all I can to preserve this giver of all life. And I will blog. And I will speak out. And I will take action. And I will fight. For our Earth. Our home. For without her, there is nothing else. P.S. to Mother Earth: Thank you. Happy Earth Day. added by: JanforGore

Costume Discounters Coupons ~ Chris Pirillo

He shares his ideas and recommendations about Halloween Costumes 2009 and other types of Halloween costumes at halloweencostumes2009.info. Visit our latest Halloween costumes trend and Halloween Costume ideas

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Costume Discounters Coupons ~ Chris Pirillo