Tag Archives: nobel-laureate

Amara La Negra Twerk Video & Picture With Her Billie D. Williams Looking Dad! [Video]

You already know how hard we go for Amara La Negra. We found a picture of her pops, for the doubters who say she’s in blackface, and he looks like Billie D. Williams! Turn the pages and peep more Amara La Negra… Continue reading

Black Excellence: Google Pays Tribute To Dr. Martin Luther King And His Glorious Dream

Google Celebrates MLK Day Holiday With Special Doodle Kudos to Google for always rising to the occasion! Today’s Google doodle is dedicated to the legendary civil rights leader. The tech company posted about the artwork on their site: Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., Baptist minister, Nobel Laureate, and civil rights activist who dedicated his life working tirelessly for peace, social justice, and opportunity for all Americans – irrespective of color or creed. On November 2, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill creating a federal holiday to honor Dr. King. It was federally observed for the first time on January 20, 1986, and over 30 years later, the day is traditionally celebrated as a day of service, with people volunteering time and talent to help others, thus paying homage to Dr. King’s legacy. Today’s Doodle by guest artist Cannaday Chapman was also developed in collaboration with the Black Googlers Network (BGN), one of the largest employee resource groups at Google. The image depicts a young girl perched on her father’s shoulders, enthralled by the power and eloquence of Dr. King’s words. The scene is evocative of Dr. King’s dream for children everywhere to one day live in a better world. Cannaday shares his thoughts on today’s Doodle below: Q: What does MLK and MLK day mean to you personally? A: Martin Luther King Jr.’s message is especially relevant today and will be relevant for the remainder of civilization. Dr. King is most remembered for fighting for the rights of African Americans, but he fought for the rights of all Americans. He believed in fairness and equity for everyone. As a black man, I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing today if it wasn’t for him and the brave people of the civil rights movement. You can read the full post from Google HERE Continue reading

Glenn Beck’s Hilarious Sex Scandal Mock Interview With Al and Tipper Gore

The guys at the Glenn Beck Radio show had some fun at Al and Tipper Gore’s expense Thursday creating a mock interview where the host questioned the separated couple about the former Vice President’s antics with a masseuse in a Portland hotel room back in 2006. The role of the Global Warmingist in Chief was marvelously played by Pat Gray with Stu Burguiere doing an adequate Tipper. The interview began with Beck asking the Nobel Laureate what happened in the hotel Lucia that fateful evening. Al/Pat deliciously responded, “The global warming just became overwhelming as I was receiving massage” (video follows with more highlights and commentary): When Tipper/Stu was introduced, Al/Pat asked, “Do you remember the time when I read you poetry? When I said, ‘I was a child and she was a child in this kingdom by the sea. But we loved with a love that was more than love, I and my Annabel Lee.'” Tipper/Stu responded, “That really brings back memories.” Yes, Al reading Edgar Allan Poe poems to Tipper. Somehow you imagine them being more “The Raven” than “Annabel Lee,” but I digress. Later the couple renewed their claim that “Love Story” was indeed about them despite the convenient truth that Tipper didn’t die of cancer. But the highlight had to be Tipper/Stu’s marvelous haiku, “Get your hands off me. Why do you touch my buttocks? Mother Earth cries rape.” Now THAT’S poetry. Nice job, guys! 

Continued here:
Glenn Beck’s Hilarious Sex Scandal Mock Interview With Al and Tipper Gore