Credit: DJDM/ Rob Kardashian out here being messy. Over the weekend Love & Hip Hop star Alexis Skyy blasted Blac Chyna , claiming the ex-stripper was cool one second and started bugging out the next…all at a party both ladies attended. According to Skyy, Chyna threw a drink, at which point the altercation turned into a physical fight. On Monday, Rob Kardashian posted Skyy as his #WCW —despite her very recent beef with his baby moms—and hours later Skyy was cooking Rob a full course meal at what appeared to be Kris Jenner ‘s home. He claims he wasn’t being petty , though. Me and Alexis known each other for 5 years so stop with that — ROBERT KARDASHIAN (@robkardashian) January 15, 2019 Damn i was just trying to eat some good food ,,, GOODnight world — ROBERT KARDASHIAN (@robkardashian) January 15, 2019 Come on Rob…there isn’t that much coincidence in the world. In case you missed Alexis Skyy’s account of what went down between her and Chyna, here’s her side of things: “I am, like, the nicest person in the world,” she began. “I’m sitting down, minding my business. Somebody said, ‘Yo, Chyna is at the party, she wants to kick it wit you.’ So I went over there, I sat with her, we kicked it, we had a drink or two.” “After the second drink we had some Red Bull,” she continued “…and out of nowhere this b*tch starts, ‘B*tch, you gotta get the f*ck up out of my section.’ I said, ‘Who the f*ck are you talking to?’ She’s like, ‘You gotta get up right now.’ So at that point, she starts throwing a drink…we start throwing hands. So from there on, whatever happened, happened. I got kicked out.” Do you think Rob Kardashian had dinner with Alexis Skyy just to throw a shot at his ex? Photo: WENN
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Yeah, Ok: Rob Kardashian Claims Dinner With Alexis Skyy Wasn’t A Shot At Blac Chyna