Tag Archives: earth-or-allah

When Muslims Make Fun of the Amish

So last night on the show, Andy Levy pointed out that the person representing the Ground Zero mosque on Twitter made a few jabs at the Amish. This is what the Tweeter tweeted: Amish saying stop Muslims?1. What are you doing on the computer? 2. That’s not very Amish 3. Shouldn’t you be making butter? Later, that tweet was deleted. Which is a shame, because it didn’t have to go. See, the Mosque folks don’t understand that here in America you can make fun of any religion – yes, even the Amish – and angry followers won’t throw acid in your face or behead you in front of a tripod. And, as primitive as the Amish are, they won’t even stone you to death for adultery. But the tweeting Park51 can be forgiven: maybe they thought the Amish might head out from Lancaster County and fly a buggy straight into their building. Don’t worry, “Parky:” they wouldn’t get the horses through the Lincoln Tunnel. Anyhoo, that’s my point. We all make Amish jokes, because we can. They are nice people. The worst thing they ever did was deal meth – and in parts of rural PA, that’s almost considered a civic duty (I kid the rural PA-ers). Meanwhile, after I made my proposal to open a gay Muslim bar next to the mosque – I was warned by friends, coworkers and deli managers that I’d end up dead. Who knew so many people hated the Pet Shop Boys? But it is certainly rich for the folks behind the mosque to poke fun of a religion for eschewing modern convenience. After all, the Amish are beyond advanced when compared to the most ardent followers of Islam. Remember, the Amish do not demand that the world to return to a period when its prophet lived – a time when more people died during childbirth than from old age. But hey – at least these Mosque-eteers at Park51 can make fun of the Amish. Maybe later, they can make fun of themselves. And if you disagree with me, you’re a racist homophobe who stole my pants. Crossposted at Big Hollywood  

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When Muslims Make Fun of the Amish

Colmes Blogger: America ‘Riddled with Religion,’ Churches’ ‘Free Ride’ Should End

What’s the best way to address rising debt and deficits? According to one liberal blogger, it’s not cutting spending, but taxing churches, that will solve America’s financial woes. “[Americans] should have the right to support any institution they feel supports their views,” William K. Wolfrum wrote on Alan Colmes’s  Liberaland blog  Aug. 17. “But that does not mean the State should reimburse people or churches for their beliefs.” He argued that because churches take “political stands” – opposing gay marriage or abortion, for example – they should not enjoy tax-exempt status. But, to be fair, Wolfrum appears to show no favoritism. “The most important aspect of removing tax-exempt status from churches or religious entities is that it must be all-encompassing,” he wrote. “Whether you believe a certain religion is ‘true’ or ‘false’ makes no difference. Scientology should be taxes, as should Islam. The Catholic church should be taxes, as should synagogues. There are no favorites. Whether you believe in L. Ron Hubbard, Jesus, a tree, Mother Earth or Allah, it is time for the tax man to cometh.” Wolfrum brushed aside the idea that churches provide charity services for the needy, saying such work is done “for a singular purpose – to encourage people to follow their beliefs. The more that follow those beliefs, the more money is taken in by the church or religious entity.” He complained that the “Tax God” movement would never succeed “in a nation so riddled with religion.” Even so, Wolfrum concluded, “If America is serious about reigning in its ballooning debt, taxing churches needs to be put on the table. God has gotten a free ride long enough in the United States, and it’s hurting the one true religion in America – Capitalism.”