Tag Archives: carbon emissions

California Passes Cap & Trade Bill – Creates World’s Second Largest Emission Trading Scheme

photo: Kevin Dooley / Creative Commons The California Air Resources Board yesterday passed a statewide cap and trade bill for greenhouse gas emissions , creating the second-largest emissions trading scheme in the world after Europe’s. A 9-to-1 vote brings into effect what CARB chairman Mary Nichols calls the capstone of… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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California Passes Cap & Trade Bill – Creates World’s Second Largest Emission Trading Scheme

Tar Sands Not Most Destructive Project on Earth, But Very Far From Benign: Royal Society of Canada

image: RSC TreeHugger has filled a great many virtual pages on the topic of Alberta tar sands , detailing time and time again the high environmental costs of extracting this so-called unconventional source of oil , which the Albertan government has bet much of its future on. Now the more august and staid body of the Royal Socie… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Excerpt from:
Tar Sands Not Most Destructive Project on Earth, But Very Far From Benign: Royal Society of Canada

How To Put A Building In Public Space: Put A Green Roof On It

Images credit Iwan Baan I have previously complained that green roofs have become

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How To Put A Building In Public Space: Put A Green Roof On It

Increased Plant Growth From Higher CO2 Levels Can Slow But Not Stop Global Warming

photo: www.bluewaikiki.com / Creative Commons In case you were holding out hope that all that extra CO2 we’re pumping into the atmosphere would stimulate enough extra plant growth to balance out any future increases in global temperature , give it up: New computer modeling from NASA s… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Increased Plant Growth From Higher CO2 Levels Can Slow But Not Stop Global Warming

Thriving Biosphere Found in Rocks Deep Underneath Seafloor

Photo credit: M. McCarthy via University of California, Santa Cruz There’s a reason for leaving “no stone unturned” when it comes to scientific exploration — there’s probably life underneath even the most unlikely rock. Even if that rock is well under the seafloor. Researchers from the University of California, Santa Cruz, have found evidence for a biological community of living organisms camped out in porous rock deep underneath the seabed. The microbes are “chemoautotrophic,” getting their energy from chemicals rather than sunlight or sunlight-dependent or… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Thriving Biosphere Found in Rocks Deep Underneath Seafloor

Carbon Emissions From Deforestation Revised Down

photo: Wakx / Creative Commons Initially estimated at about 20% of total CO2 emissions, then revised downwards to about 15% last year, new research claims that the carbon emissions from deforestation may be just half of that lower estimate. There’s a whole array of good, bad, and muddled news here…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

Continued here:
Carbon Emissions From Deforestation Revised Down

Does Government Failure Create Climate Apathy or Determination?

Image credit: George Kelly , used under Creative Commons license. Matthew recently urged the green movement to regroup, refine and redefine its messaging , now that climate legislation looks unlikely in the foreseeable future and

See the article here:
Does Government Failure Create Climate Apathy or Determination?

If US Doesn’t Price Carbon, Could Nations Boycott American Products?

Photo: American Food Store British economist and lead climate negotiator Lord Nicholas Stern (of the famous Stern report ) issued something of a warning to the United States last week. He effectively argued that if the US fails to address climate change by enacting a pricing scheme to reign in carbon emissions, we could face an international trade boycott on American-made goods. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read the rest here:
If US Doesn’t Price Carbon, Could Nations Boycott American Products?

Gypsy Caravan Kicks off London Design Festival

All images by B. Alter London Design Festival 2010 is starting this week. TreeHuggers Leonora, Petz and yours truly will be pounding the streets to find the newest, hottest, chic-est and best design. It’s an eclectic mix, including an anti-design festival and a Transcendental Gypsy Caravan of Creativity . That’s a gypsy caravan travelling the streets of London filled with treasures by artists, designers, fu… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Gypsy Caravan Kicks off London Design Festival

Laser and Satellite Technology Maps How Much Carbon the Amazon Rainforests Can Hold

Photo via alextorrenegra While we know that deforestation means a loss of carbon storage , it’s difficult to quantify just how much carbon can still be stored in what is left of the Amazon rainforest. Standing in the way is both practicality issues (each tree trunk must be measured to estimate its stored carbon) and the cost of accurate accounting. But, ecologist Greg Asner and a team of scientists from the Carnegie Ins… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Continued here:
Laser and Satellite Technology Maps How Much Carbon the Amazon Rainforests Can Hold