Tag Archives: address-climate

GOP Kills the House Climate Change Committee

Photo: laszlo-photo , Flickr, CC Given the ideologically polarized state of US politics, it should come as no surprise that in the wake of the party’s major victory in the midterm elections, the GOP is closing down the committee designed to address climate change. It’s not surprising, no — remember, 50% of the new Congress doesn’t believe climate change is real. But it’s still distressing. The symbolic implications of the move are hard to ignore: Our federal government is … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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GOP Kills the House Climate Change Committee

If US Doesn’t Price Carbon, Could Nations Boycott American Products?

Photo: American Food Store British economist and lead climate negotiator Lord Nicholas Stern (of the famous Stern report ) issued something of a warning to the United States last week. He effectively argued that if the US fails to address climate change by enacting a pricing scheme to reign in carbon emissions, we could face an international trade boycott on American-made goods. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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If US Doesn’t Price Carbon, Could Nations Boycott American Products?

How Can We De-Politicize Climate Change?

Image via Dispatch Politics Is such a thing even possible? The existence of climate change itself has clearly become a political issue, and the trend is only looking to deepen. Look, for example, at the current crop of Senate GOP candidates: Every single one of them opposes policy to address climate change , and nearly all of them question man’s role in global warming. After the midterm elect… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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How Can We De-Politicize Climate Change?