Tag Archives: its-future

Tar Sands Not Most Destructive Project on Earth, But Very Far From Benign: Royal Society of Canada

image: RSC TreeHugger has filled a great many virtual pages on the topic of Alberta tar sands , detailing time and time again the high environmental costs of extracting this so-called unconventional source of oil , which the Albertan government has bet much of its future on. Now the more august and staid body of the Royal Socie… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Tar Sands Not Most Destructive Project on Earth, But Very Far From Benign: Royal Society of Canada

Quote of the Day: A Declaration of Interdependence

Steve McCallion, executive creative director at design and innovation consultancy Ziba Design, writes in Fast Company Design: America has mortgaged its future to maintain the symbols of personal freedom (the house, the car, the big screen TV) at the expense of real freedom. We owe China almost one trillion dollars; our public education system is approaching collapse; and, we rank number one globally for… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the article here:
Quote of the Day: A Declaration of Interdependence