Tag Archives: growth

Sudanese Model Told To Bleach Her Skin By An Uber Driver


South Sundanese model Nyakim Gatwech is proud of her dark skin and she’ll shut you down if you make her think differently. Gatwech, who now lives in Minnesota, reflected on Instagram about a time an Uber driver asked her if she would bleach her skin for $10,000. After laughing with glee right in front of the […]

Sudanese Model Told To Bleach Her Skin By An Uber Driver

How Sevyn Streeter’s ‘Girl Disrupted’ Transformed Her As a Woman [VIDEO]

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“Maturity comes not with age but with the acceptance of responsibility.” – Edwin Louis Cole On Sevyn Streeter‘s 31st birthday, the singer/songwriter releases her debut LP “Girl Disrupted” as a declaration of her growth and self-development. When asked about “Girl Disrupted” during BET Awards Weekend, Sevyn simply said, “Be ready for some shit to be […]

How Sevyn Streeter’s ‘Girl Disrupted’ Transformed Her As a Woman [VIDEO]

Kim Kardashian Emerges From The Forest in Fur and Lingerie

Kim has been keeping a low profile since her October 2 robbery, but she has emerged to wish us “Peace on Earth” for Love Magazine’s yearly advent video calendar.

Kim Kardashian Emerges From The Forest in Fur and Lingerie

Serpentwithfeet Sheds His Skin

Brooklyn artist Josiah Wise celebrates the growth that arises from trauma

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Serpentwithfeet Sheds His Skin

News Anchor Makes Uranus Joke, Immediately Regrets It

HA! We have another entry to add to our ever-growing collection of hilariously awesome moments in news broadcasts. CKPG TV, a station in Canada, recently aired a report about the growth of fresh food in the International Space Station. It was actually pretty interesting and it delivered some fascinating pieces of information to the viewer. And when the report was finished airing, an anchor followed it up with a Uranus joke… which he seemed to immediately regret. We understand it's hard to resist a good Uranus joke, but perhaps this journalist should have had a better feel for his audience before opening his mouth.

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News Anchor Makes Uranus Joke, Immediately Regrets It

Midday Motivation | The Higher You Climb, The Harder It Gets

“Growth and comfort do not coexist” – Ginmi Rometty When things get tough, that’s often a sign that you are making progress so keep going.…

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Midday Motivation | The Higher You Climb, The Harder It Gets

Midday Motivation | Struggle Strengthens You

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“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” – Author Unknown Growth isn’t always easy and sometime progress requires perseverance. So, if you find…

Midday Motivation | Struggle Strengthens You

Midday Motivation | Reflect On The Goodness In Your Life

“The secret to having it all is knowing that you already do.” – Author Unknown Stressing yourself over what the future holds can distract you…

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Midday Motivation | Reflect On The Goodness In Your Life

Midday Motivation | Don’t Stop, There’s Always Room For Improvement

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Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another. ~John Dewey Don’t get too comfortable once you reach a goal. Instead, think of ways…

Midday Motivation | Don’t Stop, There’s Always Room For Improvement

A Little Positivity: Chicago Cops Escort Girls With Missing Fathers At Daddy-Daughter Dance

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Friday night in Chicago saw a number of young girls dressed up in frilly gowns and sparkly shoes as they attended the Chicago Police Department’s…

A Little Positivity: Chicago Cops Escort Girls With Missing Fathers At Daddy-Daughter Dance