Tag Archives: uranous-joke

Body-Shaming Victim Calls Out Huge Loser in Awesome Open Letter

Lindsey Swift is our new hero. This United Kingdom native was out for a run with her boyfriend last week when some total loser rolled down his car window and galled at Swift about her weight. Similar to the mother of five who stood up to a bully by showing off her stretch marks , though, Swift did not sit back and let this moron bring her down. Instead, Lindsey took to Facebook and fired back an open letter to the “idiot who thought it was ok to heckle me with fat jokes.” It reads: Your comment was a clear indication of both your incredibly witty repartee and a feat of observational comedy. I am indeed a big girl, and I am indeed beautiful. Thanks for noticing. I’m not sure who you were telling I was fat, you clearly have eyes, and the only other people present were me and my boyfriend. I assure you that despite your concern I do own a mirror, and my boyfriend has seen my fat body as he too has eyes. Don’t tell anyone but I think he might even like it. Swift went on to say that “idiots are idiots” are typically she lets these kinds of comments slide right off her. But what about victims with less self-confidence than she possesses? Let me make one thing very clear, I am not ashamed of my body. It has never stopped me from doing anything I want. My fat body has done things that you, hanging out of the window of your babe-magnet white van could only ever dream of. Going on to say she plans to run a 10K and that it “baffles” her why anyone would try to discourage that kind of effort, Swift concludes in powerful fashion: I feel sorry for you. Your behaviour is not normal, and your manners are well below par. Most importantly though, I forgive you. Here’s hoping that anyone with a goal, fat or thin, isn’t put off by this kind of thing. I know I haven’t been. See. Like we said: Lindsey Swift is our new hero.

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Body-Shaming Victim Calls Out Huge Loser in Awesome Open Letter

Nathan Griffith to Jenelle Evans: You’re a Psycho Sociopath!

Nathan Griffith absolutely tore Jenelle Evans a new one on last night's Teen Mom 2 Season 6 Episode 6 , which was an intense installment. By this show's standards, that's saying something too. What exactly prompted the fight is not clear in this clip, but Nathan previously accused Jenelle of cheating on him. And that's not even all. He took off for a few days – supposedly – offering few details, then showed up at home right after texting Evans supposedly from Atlanta. Baiting her, he asks if she's going out that night with a huge grin on his face, as if he knows something she doesn't … or is totally insane. Soon enough, he erupts, saying the past two days out of town were the best of his LIFE, calling Jenelle Evans trailer trash and worse. Watch the confrontation unfold above, as Griffith labels the Teen Mom 2 star a sociopath and a psycho … and asks for his ring back. Her response? Pretty epic.

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Nathan Griffith to Jenelle Evans: You’re a Psycho Sociopath!

News Anchor Makes Uranus Joke, Immediately Regrets It

HA! We have another entry to add to our ever-growing collection of hilariously awesome moments in news broadcasts. CKPG TV, a station in Canada, recently aired a report about the growth of fresh food in the International Space Station. It was actually pretty interesting and it delivered some fascinating pieces of information to the viewer. And when the report was finished airing, an anchor followed it up with a Uranus joke… which he seemed to immediately regret. We understand it's hard to resist a good Uranus joke, but perhaps this journalist should have had a better feel for his audience before opening his mouth.

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News Anchor Makes Uranus Joke, Immediately Regrets It