Tag Archives: other-times

Not You: Mark Wahlberg’s Fake For Your Consideration Ad for The Fighter

Sometimes the Internet is a miserable place, filled with know-it-alls, egomaniacs, ingrates, trolls and all other assorted forms of villainy; other times, it produces this video of Mark Wahlberg in The Fighter saying “not you” to an assorted array of random celebrities and cartoons. Thanks, Internet! You’re good for today. Click ahead to watch. No, not you. Not you either. OK, you can.

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Not You: Mark Wahlberg’s Fake For Your Consideration Ad for The Fighter

5 TV Shows That Are So Bad, They’re Actually Brilliant

As anyone who has ever spent eight hours watching consecutive episodes of Cops (don’t judge) knows, there is a fine line between bad and brilliant television. Some television is horrible because abominable writing and overacting mesh so weirdly well, that a series becomes unintentionally hilarious; other times, ridiculous conceits, tragically unfunny hosts and drunken reality subjects accidentally yield entertainment. Sadly, TV scientists have yet to isolate a foolproof formula to replicated this “bad but brilliant” genre, but Movieline has identified five programs that qualify for the category.

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5 TV Shows That Are So Bad, They’re Actually Brilliant

Katie Price Scratching Her Dirty Ass of the Day

Here are some pictures of Katie Price scratching her ass because when you’re a dirty little whore you get itchy in your fuckholes…sometimes it’s a yeast infection, other times it’s not a proper wipe, sometimes its even just irritation from shaving, waxing, bleaching her anus, but most of the time it’s just poor fucking hygiene and wart she can tribute to being a dirty little whore who made her career being a dirty little whore…not that that’s a surprise to any of you, since we all know you gotta suck dick to afford her lavish lifestyle, and the dick it seems like she’s gonna be getting surgically applied so that she can really be a tranny, instead of just looking like one… Pics via Bauer

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Katie Price Scratching Her Dirty Ass of the Day