Tag Archives: others-claiming

11 Best Donuts In America: RANKED For National Doughnut Day!

If we had a time machine, we’d use it to find the first person who decided to deep fry dough and then call it a doughnut so we could mouthkiss him. Or her. But since the origin of the doughnut is  actually a thing historians argue, with some saying it dates back to 1847 and others claiming they came before 1847 and that 1847 was just the year they showed up with holes, that’d be a trip the likes of which only Bill and Ted could rival.  So why are we talking about doughnuts? Or donuts, as some like to spell it? Because June 6 is National Doughnut Day, of course. (OF COURSE.) 11 Best Doughnuts In America 11. Entenmann’s Powdered Sugar Donuts We’re not sure how these qualify as breakfast foods, but we’re not really complaining. True story: I survived an 8 a.m. biology class with a 6-pack of powdered donuts and a Barq’s Root Beer for an entire semester. And by “survived” I mean I nursed hangovers. Doughnuts save lives! And grade point averages! Because we love doughnuts (and all food, really) so very much, we’ve scoured the Internet and our local haunts to bring you our ultimate list of the best. So scroll through the 11 best doughnuts in America RANKED, then go buy some or make your own homemade Krispy Kreme donuts . It’s win-win.

See the original post here:
11 Best Donuts In America: RANKED For National Doughnut Day!