That sure was fun, wasn’t it? On The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 16 , viewers learned what Caroline Forbes – typically sweet, generous, optimistic Caroline Forbes – would do with her humanity turned off. Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 16 Online As it turned out, she would go shopping. And she would attend a rave. And she would make her friends promise to just give her a care-free year without trying to intervene and she wouldn’t go crazy and kill anyone. Except Stefan did try to intervene. He told Caroline he had feelings for her and she got so mad that she went ahead and compelled Liam. To basically perform open heart surgery on a very much alive Sarah Salvatore. Caroline would only tell him to stop if Stefan also turned his humanity off. And even though Elena arrived in time to save Sarah, it was too late: Stefan agreed in order to save his niece’s life, ending the episode by drinking a margarita with Caroline, nary a care in the world. ELSEWHERE: Bonnie is back… and dealing with some major anger problems. She refused to let Kai and his newfound guilt apologize, threatening to burn his face off if she ever saw it again. She also flipped out on Damon for leaving her alone in The Prison World. Bonnie ended up leaving Jeremy a voicemail that said she’s gonna wait to visit him until she figures herself out. As you’ll see when you watch The Vampire Diaries online , Kai learned about the past of Damon’s mother. She’s locked up in a 1903 Prison World because she was turned into a vampire in 1858 and faked her own death. She then went on a killing spree, taking down at least 3,000 people, Kai’s coven estimates. So they made it their job to put an end to her massacre by putting her away. Damon was rather sad to learn all of this. 23 Shocking TV Deaths 1. Moira Queen We can still feel the pain of Moira Queen’s death on Arrow. It’s almost as if we were the ones who were stabbed. 2. Will Gardner We know actor Josh Charles wanted to leave The Good Wife. But we still have nightmares about Will Gardner being gunned down in a courtroom. 3. Oberyn Martell If you’re gonna go out, we suppose you might as well have your eyes literally crushed, as we witnessed with Oberyn Martell on Game of Thrones. 4. Leslie Shay We did NOT see this one coming. Chicago Fire opened Season 3 by killing off Shay. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Joss Carter Yes, we miss Joss Carter on Person of Interest. But we now LOVE Taraji P. Henson on Empire! 6. Nicholas Brody Nicholas Brody ran his course on Homeland. But the show was at its best when he and Carrie were going head-to-head, in more ways than one. 7. Tara Knowles Rest in peace, Tara Knowles. You deserved better than to be carved up by Gemma in the kitchen of your own home. 8. Hershel Greene Rest in peace as well, Hershel Greene. It seems like you had so much more wisdom to pass along on The Walking Dead. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Sophie Deveraux So much for Sophie Deveraux as a key player on The Originals. Her Season 1 death served as a shocker. 10. Allison Argent It should not come as a surprise when someone dies on a show such as Teen Wolf. But we miss you, Allison Argent! 11. Patti We mostly just love Ann Dowd, but we’re at least encouraged by the fact that Patti doesn’t appear to be fully dead on The Leftovers. 12. Alcide Herveaux It’s not so much that Alcide Herveaux died on True Blood. It’s that his death was glossed over and forgotten about so quickly. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. Walter White No, it was not surprising that Walter White died to conclude Breaking Bad. But his death simply has to be acknowledged in any list such as this. 14. Denny Yes, we’re going old school here. Only because the death of Denny on Grey’s Anatomy may have been the saddest TV death of all-time. 15. Katherine Pierce Katherine Pierce was literally dragged to Hell on The Vampire Diaries. We’d like to think she’s dancing and drinking somewhere on The Other Side still. 16. Daniel Grayson Bang! Bang! He’s dead. But, hey, at least Daniel Grayson got to see Emily Thorne naked on Revenge. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. Zoe Barnes Zoe Barnes met her demise when Frank Underwood pushed her in front of a train to kick off House of Cards Season 2. 18. Omar Little Omar never meant to harm anyone who didn’t deserve it on The Wire. He was shot and killed during a convenience store run. 19. King Henry King Henry went sort of insane before meeting his end on Reign. It was a blast to watch! 20. Matthew Crawley Actor Dan Stevens wanted off Downton Abbey, so producers KILLED him off. Poor, poor Mary. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 21. Mona Vanderwaal We reserve the right to change this if it turns out Mona Vanderwaal is actually alive on Pretty Little Liars. 22. Dr. Lance Sweets We watched Sweets grow up before our eyes on Bones. And then we watched him die. 23. Harrison Wright Scandal had no choice but to kill off Harrison Wright. Just Google all actor Columbus Short got into away from set. The End. Up Next: ” 23 Shocking TV Deaths .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly… Where will everything go on The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 17 ? How will Bonnie work on her anger issues? How will Damon deal with this news about his mom? And what kind of trouble will Stefan and Caroline get into? We shudder to think.
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The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 16 Recap: Not So Sweet Caroline