Tag Archives: our-democratic

Ivanka Trump’s Cleavage for Fashion Week of the DAy

Ivanka Trump is a rich kid and a celebrity in her own right and more importantly busty…but not just any kind of busty..the kind of busty she shows off….them rockin’ rich chick mom tits…despite having converted to orthodox judaism, a religion I can’t imagine endorses this kind of apparel….unless I am basing my Orthodox jewish knowledge on all the jewish people dressed like pilgrims I see walking the streets with their kids at 3 am for whatever fucking reason I don’t understand…. Either way, she’s promoting some clothing company her dad financed or at least her last name has financed…the right way….and it turns me on. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICSS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Ivanka Trump’s Cleavage for Fashion Week of the DAy

Miley Cyrus in Some Shorts for Some Rock the Vote Bullshit of the DAy

Miley Cyrus is amazing…everyone is shitting on each other’s face about her hair, but who the fuck cares about whether she’s got a shaved head or not…some of the best blowjobs I have had have been from bitches going through cancer treatment….but that was only because I worked at a cancer ward of a hospital for a minute and I’m good a seducing….and this shit isn’t even bald, it’s on some hipster ghetto girl kick, the Hollywood, privileged girl who is out to get some attention because that’s what pays her fucking bills, and now she is on some Rock the Vote campaign, because I guess she believes in our democratic right in our capitalist society, or maybe, just maybe, she’s getting paid….

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Miley Cyrus in Some Shorts for Some Rock the Vote Bullshit of the DAy