Tag Archives: our-lifetime

Josephine Skriver Bra of the Day

Josephine Skriver is the future of everything – mainly because she was made in a lab by a Marine Biologist she calls Gay-Dad, possibly funded by the Victoria’s Secret brand to create an army of babes they can get half naked, definitely designed by science and genetic programming, no Gay-Dad scientist would create an ugly…and I guess it gives us hope that in our lifetime, we will breed perfect humans instead of the garbage happening around America when ghetto poor trashy reproduce for the tax credits! Sterilize everyone! I’m just interested to see if she ends up with any weird cancers, the first generation models are always the ones that can collapse… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICk HERE The post Josephine Skriver Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Josephine Skriver Bra of the Day