Tag Archives: out-basically

Future Celebrates DS2 Release With Epic Party At Gold Room ATL[Photos]

Future Hosts Atlanta Release Party For DS2 At Gold Room Thursday July 30, Future celebrated the release of his latest album “Dirty Sprite 2″ at Gold Room in Atlanta.  The Atlanta native brought out basically the entire city, including the likes of Andre 3000, Big Boi, and producer Mike Will.  The rapper’s album “Dirty Sprite 2″ dropped on iTunes on July 17 and this was the official release party presented by Alex Gideon of AGentertainment. Looks like God’s blessing this trap star! For more photos of the turn up, hit the flip! ATLPics.net/PrinceWilliams

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Future Celebrates DS2 Release With Epic Party At Gold Room ATL[Photos]

Narcolepsy, a Fable in 6 Chapters

Narcolepsy is a couple of things. 1) It's a serious medical condition that affects both people and animals. 2) It can be seriously funny

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Narcolepsy, a Fable in 6 Chapters

Twitter, Visualized

Alternately titled: “Let's Not Get Too Excited.” From the perspective of the dead/lazy users, though, this is kind of encouraging.

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Twitter, Visualized

Man Arrested For Having Sex With A Horse… Again

Barbara Kenley tells the local news about a man she caught having sex with her horse “Sugar.” This was the second time the man was arrested for buggery, which I just found out basically means animal sex (thanks Wikipedia) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment