Helen Lindes was Miss Spain in 2000. That was so fucking long ago. That’s like some Y2K shit…before the internet really existed…before Technology blew the fuck up and took the fuck over…before we had devices that tracked our every friend, conversation, move, interest and google search on all of our bodies… She’s from a simpler time, before we were all chipped, and she’s still around…and she still looks pretty fucking amazing…in her bikini… To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE
Sometimes, when you’re drinking, you come with ideas you think are awesome, that really aren’t, like taking a Machete to a fucking watermelon in some sort of backyard performance that should have ended worse for the idiot, because that’s what idiots deserve… I still found this fail pretty funny, but that’s just because I love when people fail. Whether it is falling down the stairs or slipping during some stunt fail, or their business collapsing, or even their marriage, life, relationship fails…I’m into it…cuz I’m not a fucking hippie and real life sucks, so it makes me happy when people learn that.
As far as I’m concerned this is fake naked. Sure, by definition and if I was a scientist or some shit in the field of naked, I’d say, Bitch is naked, cuz she doesn’t have any clothes on, but as a man, I see no nipple, pussy lip or spread asshole, and just some PG-13, Disney Caliber naked, like a scene in one of their movies when someone walks in on someone else in the shower and they are all so embarassed…. I call it some strategic nudity that gets people like me saying “Shit Miley is Naked on a T-Shirt for an AIDS or Condom Campaign, even though she probably has never used a condom, no one in LA has, cuz AIDS doesn’t exist for rich people”…that might as well be her in a pair of shorts and a tank top all hard nippled. She’s hotter that way. But I’d still buy this shirt just to cum on it over and over again..even if without showing vagina, she might as well could have a Bieber Penis not a Beaver.