Tag Archives: overeager-paps

Kylie Jenner FLIPS OUT on Paparazzi: Why the F–k Are You Here?!

Like most of her family members, Kylie Jenner has a complex relationship with the paparazzi . She's been known to re-post paparazzi photos that she likes on her own Instagram page, but also turn nasty on occasion. We've also seen Kylie call a female paparazzo a “bitch” for staking out a fast food drive-thru (aka doing her job). A video uploaded to her Snapchat page over the weekend makes it clear that Kylie's disdain for overeager paps isn't limited to when she's feeling particularly  hangry  while waiting in line at In-N-Out. In fact, any time Kylie is out and about making purchases, folks who want to snap a photo of her should probably just play it safe and put the lens cap back on. “Why the f–k are you in the mall?” Kylie says to some lurking paps in the clip below.  “You have gone to a whole 'nother level of of me just not f–king with you, at all.” In fairness, it looks like she's not speaking loudly enough for the shutterbugs to hear her, but we're guessing she wouldn't hold back if they got any closer. In any event, we're definitely Team Kylie on this one: Snapping some pics as a celeb walks in or out of a store is one thing. Following them around as they shop is quite another. Of course, in a way, Kylie has no one to blame but herself. You don't go to the mall less than a week before Christmas and expect it to not be an obnoxious experience. Are we right?

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Kylie Jenner FLIPS OUT on Paparazzi: Why the F–k Are You Here?!