Tag Archives: overly-attached

Justin Bieber and Overly Attached Girlfriend

Justin Bieber and Overly Attached Girlfriend – funny-justin-bieber-animated-picture.gif Read the original: Justin Bieber and Overly Attached Girlfriend

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Justin Bieber and Overly Attached Girlfriend

Farrah Abraham: Dumped on Teen Mom!

Farrah Abraham was essentially dropped like a bad habit after an epic failure of a trip to meet her boyfriend’s family on Teen Mom last night. Her performance was a virtual list of how NOT to act in that situation. Farrah telling Daniel’s dad’s girlfriend, upon hearing she wanted kids, “You haven’t had children yet? I don’t think it’s going to happen then.” When she said she’s 51, Farrah said, “You’re going to be a looone bird.” By the end of the night, Abraham was the lone bird flying back to Florida sans Dan, who ” couldn’t take it anymore .” Hard to blame the guy. Yeah, she gave Overly Attached Girlfriend a run for her crazy. The way Daniel flaked wasn’t the classiest maneuver, but it’s easy to see why he freaked. Prior to this trip, Farrah’s greatest relationship blunders included: Talking about their future life together in Texas. Saying she’d like to have three kids by the time she’s 23. Joking about picking out her “wedding dress” and “engagement ring” during a shopping excursion and issuing an ultimatum while paddle boating. Recording possibly the worst song in human history. Okay, Farrah Abraham’s “Finally Getting Up From Rock Bottom” came later. But still. Ouch.

Originally posted here:
Farrah Abraham: Dumped on Teen Mom!